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Showing posts from July, 2020

6 Ways to overcome obstacles

Obstacles are a sign of progress. Yes, it may sound counterintuitive. But the reality is that obstacles show that you are trying out something. A person who has nothing to do will have no obstacles at all. The first step to excellence is to start doing the work. Therefore, you are already on the path of excellence. And obstacles are the sign that you are progressing. However, many of us do not look at the bigger picture of the obstacle. So we get stuck when we are faced with a challenging situation. Some of us work in eliminating the obstacle to move forward and some of us fail to take up the challenge and give up. Below are some of the ways you can use to overcome obstacles 1. Attitude Attitude makes all the difference. There are multiple perspectives to a situation. When faced with an obstacle you can either choose to work hard and eliminate the obstacle or give up. Working hard even at times of hardship requires a strong mental attitude and an optimistic per...

How to restart your life after being stuck?

Life is unpredictable with full of ups and downs. Everyone on this planet faces certain limitations, failures, and disappointments. But only some has the courage the get back and restart their life all over again. Maybe you just ended an abusive relationship or maybe you quit your toxic job and wanted to have a fresh start and build your life from scratch. You have gathered up all your courage to start a new journey in a new path. Being able to decide to start your life from scratch is itself a courageous act. Most of the people are completely locked in a loop of monotonous activities they dislike but continue to do because of the fear of starting all over again. See, it is completely ok to start everything right from scratch. I quit the well-paying job that I found toxic to my mental health and started a life and mindset coaching career and also became a freelance content writer. To be frank, I am earning more than I expected and the best part is I am thoroughly...

5 Ways you can develop Self-Acceptance!

Self-acceptance is the first step of moving forward in life. It is the path towards peace and tranquility. Self-acceptance is not something that is inborn, it is a trait that you need to develop. Knowing your flaws and accepting them will reduce the amount of depression and anxiety. Self-acceptance can give a sense of freedom and increased optimism. 1. You are not your behavior / emotions Often, people equate themselves with their behavior or emotions. When faced with a challenging or hard situation you may say something like "I am depressed", "I am a failure", "I am worthless". When you are saying "I am depressed", you are equating yourself to the depression. But the reality is you are just feeling depressed. You are not the depression itself! In the same way, if we fail in something, automatically most of our minds think that "I am a failure". We over-generalize our flaws and mistakes and equate ourselve...

10 Ways to succeed in anything you do!

Success will hold a different meaning for every person. Success might be money, power, or making an impact. No matter how you define success the one trait that remains constant for every type of success is that it is hard-earned. Success does not happen overnight. You have to put a lot of work and dedication to succeed in anything you do. Below are the 10 common ways that you need to follow to succeed in anything you do 1. Be committed This is a misconception that you need to be motivated in order to succeed. I would say that it is completely untrue. Because no one can be constantly motivated. Everyone has their bad days. But what differentiates successful people from the ordinary ones is the commitment they have towards their work. Even if they feel unmotivated, a success-driven person will continue working on their goal. 2. Growth mindset Mindset is the number one asset that you need to develop in order to succeed in anything you do. Having a growth minds...

8 Ways to bounce back from failure!

Let's be realistic, failure is inevitable. Every single person in this world would have faced failure at one point. Failure also sucks . Every one of us wants to succeed in life. We work hard to achieve. And when we fail to attain the goal it is natural to get depressed over the loss. However, the power lies within the pain. Anyone who is extremely obsessed with their goal, will not fear failure. As said, failure is inevitable. So there is no use in fearing over failure. Moreover, failure is an indication that you are on the right path. The real commitment for the goal depends on how fast you bounce back from failure and get going with all that you have to achieve that desire that you have set your eye on. 1. Learning Failure is an immense bundle of learning. If you have never failed it means that you have never learned anything. If you fail at something search for the lessons it taught you. What did you learn? What are the mistakes you made? How can ...

10 Useful tips to become a good listener!

One essential skill that everyone needs to develop is good listening skills. Being a good listener will help you view the world through the other person's eyes. You will be able to develop empathy and maintain serenity once you start listening to what others say. I used to be someone who was very impulsive to interrupt someone while they are talking and give my opinion right away. This habit made the speaker uncomfortable and stop abruptly without completing their sentence. After realizing that I have been doing a mistake, I started developing good listening skills. After becoming an efficient listener, I understood that I was missing out a lot of information by not lending my ears properly. Most of us tend to daydream instead of listening. Instead of zoning out all the time, let's try to focus on the speaker. I think it will make more sense once we tune up our listening skills and start listening to the one who is putting effort to speak to us. 1. You wi...

How to succeed through Acceptance?

I would say that acceptance is something that you need to develop if you want to lead a life full of colors. Without acceptance, it is quite hard to move forward in our life. When you don’t try to accept yourselves, you will always tend to over-analyze your mistakes and get depressed over what happened to you. You will get stuck in the place you are because rather than accepting the situation and moving forward, you will always ruminate over what could have happened. Acceptance is the first step to move forward in every way. You should accept your flaws and mistakes. Most of us hate ourselves and our life only because we do not accept our mistakes. We want us to be perfect. Learn to accept your mistakes and imperfections. No one in this world is capable of being perfectly perfect t with zero flaws. You have to surrender to yourself. Surrendering is the first step to learn acceptance. Resistance is going to bring nothing to you. You will only fight against your imperfecti...

Why failure is essential for success?

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill How do we define success? Predominantly, success is defined as always being the topmost. It is said that you are successful only if you defeat your competitors. We are taught that failure is weak and success is the one that makes you strong. But, really what is success without failure? Every successful person who has worked hard genuinely has failed at least once. Failure propels you to take action. Every action taker will not get depressed over a failure. Only the people who are procrastinators will always feel that failure has defeated them, so now they have nothing to do other than getting depressed over the failure. Whereas, an action taker is someone who uses the failure to fuel the fire inside them and move forward. And who do you think will win? An action taker or a procrastinator? I'm pretty sure that you have the answer inside your mind. Yes, t...

How to learn to unlearn?

Most of our belief system and the habits we practice are built earlier In our lives. Some of our beliefs that have been installed in us are mostly due to the social and economic factors in which we were brought up. Some things that we know and learn and believe to be true might be misconceived ed or misperceived. The actual truth might differ totally from what you are taught to be as true. For example, the most common myth or belief that has been installed in us in the most earlier stages of our life is that "Money is the root of all evil". When we grow up believing that money is the reason for all evil, then we are most likely to be tangled in unfavorable financial situations. As a result, you will end up suffering in a loop of financial loss because of this unsupportive belief. What is unlearning? Unlearning is the process of realizing that something we learned earlier is wrong and not of use. Unlearning is learning to let go of the beliefs and ...

Why do you always feel life is unfair?

"Life is unfair to me" is the most used sentence whenever we face setbacks in our life. We feel that life is unfair because life pulls us down and drains us in the dungeon. It also lifts up leaving us floating on cloud nine. Life is unpredictable. We say "life is unfair" because we try to interpret the predictability of life. We plan things and want life to follow the path we have paved. But unfortunately, life does not work that way. It has its own way and it will drag you in its path no matter how planned you are. Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness, success and failure, ups, and downs. Life is about balancing these two poles. Once you learn how to handle these extremely different situations in life then you will seldom feel "life is unfair". 1. Live in the "Now" Live in the now does not mean that you should meditate. Meditation is not the only "living in the now". You should focus on the present. Some...

3 Ways to find out what you want to do with your life!

Imagine sitting in a car with the engine on. You are all ready to go. But, wait! Where will you go? Should you go straight or left or to the right. Do you know the direction? Okay, you feel that you can just drive around and figure it out on the way. So you geared up and raised the accelerator and followed the road. You keep going and you see so many turns. You never know where to go. To the right or to the left? Or should you just go straight? You choose a random path and you travel believing to reach some destination. You feel confused and frustrated because you did not know where to go. At the beginning, it seemed like fun and exploring. But as you kept traveling you kind of found it irrelevant and you even started questioning why should you drive in the first place. And then, suddenly your car stops. The diesel has worn out. Your life is exactly like a car. If you do not know where you are going and what you are doing with your life. Then you will be lost somewhere...