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5 Ways you can develop Self-Acceptance!

Self-acceptance is the first step of moving forward in life. It is the path towards peace and tranquility. Self-acceptance is not something that is inborn, it is a trait that you need to develop.

Knowing your flaws and accepting them will reduce the amount of depression and anxiety. Self-acceptance can give a sense of freedom and increased optimism.

1. You are not your behavior / emotions

Often, people equate themselves with their behavior or emotions. When faced with a challenging or hard situation you may say something like "I am depressed", "I am a failure", "I am worthless". When you are saying "I am depressed", you are equating yourself to the depression. But the reality is you are just feeling depressed. You are not the depression itself!

In the same way, if we fail in something, automatically most of our minds think that "I am a failure". We over-generalize our flaws and mistakes and equate ourselves to the mistake.

Here, all you have to do is to put a fine line between who you are, and the mistake you make. Understand that you are not your behavior, be it good or bad.

For example, let's say Bob is an artist. He paints fine pictures and most of his paintings get sold out very fast. One day, he changes his mind and sets out to become a doctor. After struggling and studying hard Bob has become a doctor. Now, will you call Bob an artist or a doctor?

A doctor, right!

In the same way, all your behaviors and emotions are something that can be changed. Equating yourself to them will only bring on more self-hatred. Hence, always try to separate you from what you are feeling.

2. Celebrate your strengths

When you feel that you cannot move forward because you are stuck in the loop of some failure. Then, start listing your strengths. What are you good at? For what were you appreciated? What areas of work do you excel in?

 No one is completely a failure. You are just thinking that you are a failure. And it does not mean that whatever you think should be necessarily true.

And you know what will be your greatest strength - Accepting your weakness as much as you celebrate your strengths.

We do not accept ourselves enough because we compare ourselves a lot. Understand that no one in the world is perfect. Everyone has their own flaws. Do not compare your dark side with someone's bright side and feel depressed over that.

Also, people struggle with acceptance because they expect themselves to be perfect and flawless. They beat themselves for one mistake. Understand no one and nothing is perfect. NOTHING!

Once you stop comparing yourself with others and stop your perfectionist attitude, you will slowly thrive into the acceptance mode!

People fail to accept themselves because of Judging. They judge everything around them a lot that they end up judging themselves even worse. Being non-judgmental means accepting everyone and everything.

The most important thing that I learned about judging is that "You judge people only because you judge yourself".
Suppose, you judge someone based on their looks, then you should have judged yourself based on your looks. What is inside only reflects outside. When you accept your flaws and stop judging yourself then you will automatically stop judging the world around you. This will lead to extreme peace and happiness.

5. Let go

Clinging on to our past mistakes and regrets will do no good to us. Letting go and forgiving yourself is the key to self-acceptance. Flaws and failures are a part of our life. Look around, and tell me one person who has been only successful all through his/her life. Mistakes and failures are inevitable.

Therefore, it is wise to accept them. Accept and learn from your failures. Embrace your flaws. Accept that you can make mistakes, after all, you are a human!


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