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Why failure is essential for success?

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill

How do we define success?

Predominantly, success is defined as always being the topmost. It is said that you are successful only if you defeat your competitors.

We are taught that failure is weak and success is the one that makes you strong. But, really what is success without failure? Every successful person who has worked hard genuinely has failed at least once.

Failure propels you to take action. Every action taker will not get depressed over a failure. Only the people who are procrastinators will always feel that failure has defeated them, so now they have nothing to do other than getting depressed over the failure.

Whereas, an action taker is someone who uses the failure to fuel the fire inside them and move forward. And who do you think will win? An action taker or a procrastinator? I'm pretty sure that you have the answer inside your mind. Yes, the action taker.

Make mistakes

I always talk about how developing a growth mindset will help you yield success. The main motto behind a growth mindset is "there is no failure only feedback". And how do you think that you will get feedback? Obviously, by making mistakes.

Make mistakes to learn better. Imagine that you are on your way to meet your old mother who is staying miles away from you. You keep on traveling on a smooth road with breeze and sun. Now, suddenly you face a hilly road with a lot of roadblocks. You will need to cross this road to meet your mother. You somehow tried and took different paths to cross the hilly road. It was pretty hard and you made a mistake by choosing a different path. This path had more roadblocks and big stones that would puncture your tire than any other path. Still, you continued on the path rather than retreating and finding a new path. All of a sudden, you hear a "poofff" sound. Your tire has worn out because of a huge stone that pricked it. Now you will have to change the tires and do some work on it. It is clear that now you made a mistake by choosing the wrong path.

 Here, what will you do once you start your journey again? You will probably be more careful about the path you are choosing and you will also have a sense of identifying the danger.

What helped you develop this capability? Mistakes, right!

Therefore, mistakes are much-needed for success. Remember, that no one can be perfect. Not a single human being. So always accept that you can be imperfect at times and find a solution to the problem you are facing.

There are only feedbacks to every mistake you do. It does not mean that you are a failure if you do a mistake.

Failures help with conquering fear

Most of us are scared of failing because we are scared of the consequences of failure.

"What will people say if I fail?", "What will be my future if I fail?", " What will I do if I am labeled as  a failure?", "What if I cannot succeed in anything?". These are all fears speaking to you. When you accept failure and take it in the right way to challenge yourself and do better then your fears will develop wings and fly away from you.

Failures help you in eradicating fears. Do not be afraid of accepting a mistake or do not feel shameful of saying that you failed. Failure is a part of everyone's life. It makes no sense in hiding it or being ashamed of it. Failure is needed for your improvement. It makes you stronger and more efficient in whatever you do!


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