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Don’t Read This Unless You Want To lead an Incredible Life | Law of Attraction | Free downloadable Law of Attraction Road-map

Don’t Read This Unless You Want To lead an Incredible Life | Law of Attraction

If you have already been into the world of consciousness or self-care you would have probably heard the term "Manifesting" and "Law of attraction". I have been into this new world of the law of attraction for more than 4 years now and I am saying that it works every damn time!

As I said I have been using the law of attraction quite a while for now and it has worked tremendously in my life. And, it can work the same way it worked for me to you too! Just keep reading to find more on the Law of Attraction.

What is Law Of Attraction?

Law of Attraction is a concept where like attracts like. The whole universe is made up of energy and frequency so do our thoughts. Every thought we think attracts either positive or negative energies into our life depending on what we think.

Okay, I know this sounds complicated; let me put into simple words. Law of Attraction is like karma expanded. What you do and think about yourself is what comes back to you. For example, if you are always complaining about having not enough money, you will end up having no money. If you want more money should embrace and desire it.

Law of Attraction is no modern term or hype. It has always been around. Even if you believe or not,  if you want it or not, it has always been a part of your life and will continue to be. When you know it is a part of you anyway why not make it work for you? I swear you are gonna experience a world of wonders if you start implementing LOA in your everyday life consciously.

How Law of Attraction Came into my Life

I was someone who believed that I was born to live a mediocre life. I was an average in everything. And then Secret happened to me. I first came across the book The Secret when I was in the final year of my graduation. I was struck in Awe once I read the book. The book is all about Law of attraction and how it has played and is playing an important role in my life. But still, I was quite skeptical of whether all this hype in the book is just a sales strategy. So, I started collecting evidence of The Secret. I watched multiple videos, read more books on the Law of attraction. I was startled by the fact that every single world-famous person knew this. Right from Newton, Einstein, Edison and so many. Everyone knew this!

So, I thought let's give a try. I used some methods of manifesting ( which I will list below) right before I attended an interview. I closed my eyes and imagined myself in the scene where the HR of the company shook hands with me saying "Shakthi you are selected". I felt adrenaline rush through because it was the first-ever interview I have attended in my life and getting through it in one shot gave me a lot more confidence. I knew I would make it so I left for the Interview with so much enthusiasm. There were many other candidates who were technically strong than I was and the HR was about to select only a handful. But, I did not feel anxious about it because I knew that I have already received the offer in my mind and so I will receive it in reality also. I have manifested it. And guess what I got selected!

Right from that day law of attraction has been my everyday practice. I got shifted to the most desired city of mine, I got the best friend's circle ever, I got the best work buddies, I got the best increment, I got the best relationship, I got whatever I want in my life because I desired and manifested it. And who doesn’t want a happy life for themselves? Keep reading to find more of how to make the right use of LOA.

How to make use of LOA?

  • Gratitude : Be grateful to whatever you have. Right from the smaller pleasures of your life to the larger ones. Once you start thanking and living in abundance you will receive more. For example, Just be happy about how much you earn. Think of those who are struggling even to find money to afford a single meal. Think of how good life has treated you with all the basic amenities. Be grateful for the money you receive. You will receive more.

  • Vision board : It is said that visual representation is the best way of manifestation. Let's take the example of wanting a job again. You can try writing an offer letter for yourself and send it to your mail and read it every day. And not just mere reading, feel it and read it. You can make a vision board in many ways. You can stick pictures of your desire, you can draw, paint and experiment with your vision board.

  • Observe your thoughts: Always observe what you think and speak. You can always go with the flow and lose yourself by thinking negative thoughts. So have a keen eye on the thoughts that you form because thoughts always direct to actions. But the more you learn about the Law of Attraction, the more you learn to limit your negative thoughts and/or turn your negative thought into a positive one.

  • Trust : You have to trust the process one hundred percent. Say if you are manifesting for the desired job but it has been 6 months and still, you did not get an offer from it. You should not give up and start cribbing about how false LOA is. You have to have hope on the Universe and let it go. The universe will throw multiple signs so always keep looking for one. You may find a Job update, you may meet someone who will take you to that desired place, you may come across multiple signs. But trust that once you have let into the hands of Universe(you can call it god, superpower or however you wish) it will never fail you.

So these are some of the major techniques I used for manifestation. You can follow the same or come up with something new. After all, Life is full of opportunities I hope y'all find this blog as an opportunity to manifest your desired life. I wish you the very best of luck for your great future!


  1. Simply amazing, I truly believe and it has worked for me too...thanks for sharing this with all

  2. During my final before my campus interviews I always use to imagine two pictures of myself always, one is beggar outfit and other is with coat suit. I always thought to get into the coat suit I should get through the interview.
    Even later on all my system passwords will be about my short term goals.


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