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10 Powerful ways to stop Procrastination and getting things done

There will always be some undone work which keeps bothering our mind. Mostly we procrastinate unconsciously. We know that it is important to get things done, but we keep on postponing it without a strong reason. We don’t do things because we don’t feel like doing, it means we are just lazy.

Our unconscious mind controls most of our life. It also has a grip on what we procrastinate on. As we already know our unconscious mind is lazy and it always finds short ways to get things done. It also likes postponing things just to feel relaxed in the short term.

So, how do we bring conscious attention to our procrastination and get things done easily?

1. Why?

To get a solution to any problem you must know what the problem is. So, you should first understand why you are procrastinating.

Are you procrastinating because you are lazy? Are you procrastinating because you are afraid to do something? are you procrastinating because of your lack of belief? Or Are you procrastinating because of a lack of resources to complete the task?

You should be very clear about why you are doing what you are doing. Suppose say you are procrastinating because of the lack of resources. You just can say "I have to go and do it, that is how I will combat procrastination". No. Things won't work that way. In this case, you have to first get your resources procured.

Therefore, always understand why you are procrastinating and then start from there.

2. Define the priority of the task

You have to make your mind understand how important it is to get that task done. I would always recommend writing down what it means to work on that task and get it done. You can use pen and paper or any electronic device to just feed the importance of the task.

For example, suppose you have a goal to lose weight. You are keeping on procrastinating on that. Now what you can do is, take a notebook and write down how important it is to lose weight for you. How happy you will feel once you lost your weight and how you will fit into your old clothes so easily.

Just write how much change it will make once you reach your goal without procrastinating on it!

3. Review your task

Sometimes, we also procrastinate because of the chaos in the work. There might be a huge pile of work undone. It will be hard for us to even start if we see a huge load of work in front of us.

Before diving in and starting the task, you should always review on how the task looks. Is it huge? Is it exceeding your capacity? Are you undervaluing or overloading yourself?

You should check all these criteria before getting started with the task.

4. Break down your goal

We procrastinate because we don’t set a goal in a proper way. If we correct and clear when setting a goal, we are less likely to procrastinate on it.

It is always better to break down larger goals into more efficient and easily achievable elements. This will ensure that you will procrastinate less and get things done more.

5. Start small, but start

Take small steps first. Don’t leap and get stuck. It is always better to start small.

As per the last point, you should break your goals down into smaller steps. These smaller steps will give you an encouragement to start and reach your much bigger goal.

It is always better to start small than not starting at all.

6. Reward yourself

It is important to stay motivated while chasing the goal. This motivation is what ensures that you will not procrastinate. To always keep yourself motivated you should reward yourself.

Rewards boosts dopamine, this dopamine gives out a goal feeling. Once you start rewarding yourself, you will get addicted to it and you will complete the task without procrastinating just to reward yourself.

7. Don’t be hard on yourself

Any goal you work on should only take you to the next level. You should always have a positive feeling towards the goal. So, in this case, if you beat yourself up just to achieve the goal then you will hate that goal itself.

If you procrastinate, then just work on that. You no need to curse yourself along if you did not complete that goal. Then you will the whole point of achieving the goal.

8. Use the pleasure predicting sheet

The pleasure predicting sheet is nothing but a table. This is where you record what you have to do and how much satisfaction it gives when you complete it. Doing this exercise will increase your motivation to get satisfied by doing a particular task more.

Below, is an example of the Pleasure Predicting sheet

9. Be Accountable

Accountability is one of the important traits to reduce procrastination. You can have an accountability partner to increase your motivation. Being accountable will give you a sense of responsibility. No one like to put down others. So, having an accountability partner will yield more success.

You can also be accountable to yourself. If you have a good level of self-motivation you can be your own accountability partner.

10. Journal

I keep on talking about journaling because it is the one tool that has helped me in every way.

Most importantly, journaling has helped me build new habits. I was a master in procrastination, but once I started doing journaling I became so motivated to get things done.


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