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5 Reasons Why Law of Attraction Is Not Working For You

The law of attraction is not something that works or doesn't work. It is always there and it is always working. All we do is tune ourselves so that we can make it work the way we want. It is not a technique or a concept created by someone. It is the law of nature. Whether you believe it or not, the law of attraction is in work 24/7, 365 days.

What we focus on expands, and by focusing more on what we want, rather than what we don’t, we will experience more of the former and less of the latter. No one is perfect at this, so no matter what, you may still experience things you don’t like from time to time... just had to throw that in there.

The Law of Attraction has been a boon to my life. I have benefited and learned a lot from using the LOA to reap whatever I want. That is why I am so passionate about teaching people and the world about LOA and how simple life can become once you know how to use it right.

But, whenever I teach someone LOA they always come back saying it isn't working or I have not got what I want. So, I thought let's put up a post on why the Law of attraction is not working for some while it is bringing tremendous effects on others.

1. You aren't patient enough
     This is very important. You have to be patient enough to get what you want in life. Say, you are manifesting for a relationship, job or any important thing. You just can't wait for one month and say it is not working for you.
     In order to create anything, you must hold the resonance of already having it. Yes, at first this is difficult to do. But it does get much easier once you can recognize the “signs” that it is on its way. Any powerful technique will produce a sign that your reality is changing within just a few days.
    Learn to recognize the signs. Watch for them. And then rest assured that what you are doing is working. It makes being patient oh so much easier.

2. It is really not about your thoughts only
     Just thinking about something will not make it happen. Think of all the things you have had happened in your life, good and bad, that you never thought about previously. The law of attraction is not just wishful thinking either.
     It is about our energy — which is a collection of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This is also referred to as our “vibration.” We will attract things into our experience that will mirror back our predominant beliefs; we will attract things that will feel just like feelings that are predominant in our energy.
    Setting an intention to manifest something is a great first step, but it doesn’t stop there. You have to dig around a bit internally and examine your belief system and see what could be blocking this thing from materializing.

3. You haven't fully committed to your dreams
      Just by thinking it in the mind, it will never happen. You have to take action on it. For example, if you wanted to lose weight. And using law of attraction for it will only speed up the process and motivate you by showing signs of your dream weight goal. But, if you just sit there without working out and eating clean and wishing law of attraction to take over the dream and work on your behalf to reduce your weight is stupidity.
     When you have a goal in your mind, work for it. Get committed completely to it and the rest will happen by itself.

4. Tools are just tools
     Since we are very oriented towards action to make things happen, we can become very obsessed with employing various tools in our efforts to manifest, such as visualizing, affirmations, making vision boards or whatever other things you may have read about in a book, or been instructed to do, in some sort of program.
    And the tools are integral for sure. We need a way to focus on what we want positively. In the moments we use these tools, we are giving ourselves permission to feel good, and focus on what we want. These actions help us create the expectation we will get what we want, and that is always a good thing.
    But, tools are just tools... they in and of themselves, can’t make anything happen for you. Their power is in helping you cultivate the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that are in harmony with what you want. There is a part of your mind that is still operating from the action paradigm and expecting that because you are taking actions, you should then receive some sort of result.
 5. Pondering negativity
    The whole emphasis on “being positive” can lead people astray and makes them think they are supposed to just stuff down their negative feelings and beliefs. But that isn’t what you should be doing. You have to admit your negative feelings and let yourself feel them so you can begin the process of transforming them. You have to be honest about your limiting beliefs and then work on releasing them.

   So you have to ask yourself if your internal world has been changing to any real degree. Are you actually feeling better, like truly better? How much headway have you made in shifting the beliefs that aren’t serving you? Be honest with yourself.

   Don’t be afraid of your negative emotions — our emotions are valuable messengers and let us know where we are focusing. Dealing with negative emotion that is already there is very different than generating it by choosing to focus on things you know will make you feel bad. Do your best to avoid the latter.

   Be sure to show yourself some patience and compassion — this is a really new way of operating and you won’t master it immediately.

  The good news is, any shift in your energy changes your point of attraction, which means you don’t have to achieve some perfect vibe, where nary a negative thought or belief exists, to start letting in some good stuff. We would all be pretty screwed if that was the case.


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