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5 benefits of reading before bed time

“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” – Confucius
Reading is an unignorable habit every one of us should develop. There are so many profound benefits to reading. Especially, reading before bedtime can yield a lot of benefits to your health. Here are five benefits you get by reading before bedtime.

1. Help combat Insomnia

     Reading a  book before you go to bed could help combat insomnia. A 2009 study from researchers at the University of Sussex showed that six minutes of reading reduces stress by 68% (more relaxing than either music or a cup of tea), thus clearing the mind and readying the body for sleep. Going to bed with all the stress in your head would be really frustrating. Reading is like stretching the muscles of your brain to relax a bit, so that you could sleep better.

2. Reduce the risks of Alzheimer's

     Reading can reduce the risk of developing a degenerative disease, Alzheimer’s. A study found that people who engage their brains in an activity such as reading, solving puzzles or playing chess are 2.5 times less likely to develop the illness. This is likely due to the fact that Alzheimer’s disease is often linked to patients who have limited brain activity. Reading could not only improve your well-being now but could also have a lasting effect on your health in years to come.

3. Enhance your sleep quality

       As seen earlier, reading can reduce your stress levels and help you to sleep better. According to the National Sleep Foundation, a relaxing reading ritual can prepare your body for sleep and help your mind separate your sleep time from the stresses of daily living. A winding-down ritual can help people fall asleep faster and enjoy a higher quality of sleep throughout the night.

4. Reduces Cortisol levels

      Cortisol, a glucocorticoid (steroid hormone), is produced from cholesterol in the two adrenal glands located on top of each kidney. It is normally released in response to events and circumstances such as waking up in the morning, exercising, and acute stress.

      Unfortunately, cortisol can begin to have humongous damage on the body when it remains at high levels, as the result of chronic stress. It can lead to weight gain, gastrointestinal problems, depression, and chronic fatigue. Reading before bed can help to lower the body’s cortisol levels by reducing stress. The result? A body with lower levels of cortisol is more likely to sleep soundly and thus cope with the following day’s stressors more calmly.

5. Better concentration

     The main lack in this fast-paced world is the focus. We always tend to toggle between everything we do. Reading helps you to increase your focus and improve concentration.

     It also helps in improving the memory functioning of the brain. While reading a book there are so many things that we need to remember in order to have a smooth reading. We need to remember the character names, places, twists, things, nook information, plot, subplot and more. Memory improves when you pay attention to all these and are able to remember the storyline.

Happy Reading!


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