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7 Tips to develop any habit

Habits are formed due to consistent efforts.

It is the imperative element that determines one's lifestyle. If you have a routine of good habits you will have a good lifestyle. If you get accustomed to a bad habit, your lifestyle will reflect the consequences.

Therefore, it is most important to develop good habits in order to have a fulfilling lifestyle.

1. Back your habit with a solid decision

It is important to know the "Why?" of your habit. Why do you need to install a particular habit in your life?

For example, if you want to build the habit of waking up early and working out. You need to give a convincing reason for yourself on why you want to wake up early. Sit down and write the consequences and the benefits you are going to reap by rising up early and working out. 

Build a strong reason to follow the habit. This will give you the push and motivation to consistently follow your goal.

2. Eliminate the trigger

Most of us would have tried to follow a habit and gave up very easily. This is because we do not pay much attention to the trigger that is stopping us from achieving the goal. It is essential that you locate your trigger and remove it. This will pave the way for consistency in building the habit.

For example, You wanted to build the habit of waking up early. You also set alarm the night before and place the phone near you and sleep hoping that you will wake up early the next day. But, what you tend to do is wake up and unconsciously turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. Here, the trigger is the alarm that is placed near your reach. So you will need to replace the alarm somewhere far where you will need to get up and walk a few meters to turn it off. 

3. Accountability

A habit is a responsibility. Mostly, people be responsible if they are committed to something. Hence, get yourself an accountability partner. Your accountability partner can be your friend, a colleague, a coach, or any person whom you feel you can be accountable to on a regular basis. You can even join some online groups which have like-minded people, these people motivate you to follow your habits religiously.

Also, habits are easily formed in a fun way when practiced in a group. Therefore, when you are trying to build a new habit it would be a cakewalk if you have a group of people who practice along with you.

4. Discipline

Self-discipline is the key to build any habit. Doing things when you don’t feel like doing, strictly out of discipline will yield you guaranteed success.

Self-discipline is built by pushing yourself. Remember that you will be able to push yourself out of the comfort zone only if your goal of building a habit is backed up by a firm decision.

5. Do not whip yourself

According to me, a habit should always have a positive pull. 

If you beat yourself for not following the habit then you will create negative energy around the habit. This will make no sense because we are trying to install a new habit only to elevate our life not to deplete it.

Therefore, always be kind to yourself when trying to do something new. It is going to be hard anyway, so there is no use in whipping yourself. It will only make the situation even harder. So learn to face the challenges with self-love!

6. Reward yourself

Always remember to treat yourself once you have achieved something, even if it seems so small. Instead of expecting "more and more" out of you, just pause and appreciate yourself. Recognize how far you have come and give yourself a hug. 

These types of little encouragements from within will boost your motivation level so that you can be even more determined to build that desired habit. 

7. Follow this routine

Follow the 21/21/21 rule to install any new habit. The first 21 days will help you in breaking the old habit. The next 21 days will build a foundation for the new habit and the last 21 days will strengthen your new habit. After 63 days of continuous practice, the newly installed habit will become your second nature. From then, you no need to put any effort into maintaining it at all.


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