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6 Ways to master your emotions

Emotions are something that rules us. All of us have been taken a toll on roller coaster ride because of our emotions. Sometimes, we have felt extremely enthusiastic and happy and some times we feel totally drained and sad. Our emotions are always jumping up and down rapidly.

Emotions are the ones that build our personal and professional lifestyle. We as human beings, get easily influenced by the people around us. For example, say you are talking to someone. If that person responds in an angry tone, then you will also most likely to respond in a not good manner. On the flip side, if that person is so sweet and kind, you will mirror them by being sweet and kind. So, our emotions are hugely influenced by our surroundings and the environment we live in.

Therefore, it is important to master your emotions so that you will not slip or be influenced by the behavior of others. You can always continue to be "you" if you are capable of mastering your emotions. Also, emotions need to be mastered in order to have a healthy relationship within yourself and the people around you. Note that emotions are contagious. If you always feel happy, people around you will also be happy!

1. Identify your emotions

The first step to change any behavior/emotion is to identify them. You will not be able to vaguely change or alter any emotions within you if you do not know the emotion in the first place. So whenever you feel angry, rage or sadness first identify "What is it really bothering you?", "Are you really angry? Or is it something else?"

For instance, I get angry when something bad happens. But in reality, my actual emotion would be "sadness" or "disappointment". However, I will just assume that I am angry but the reality was different. Therefore it is extremely important to identify what you are really feeling!

2. Acknowledge your emotions

Do not misconceive that mastering your emotions means "ignoring it". The worst thing you can do to yourself is 'ignoring your emotions'. Understand, that all your emotions are valid. They are true. Your anger, happiness, tranquility, rage, and disappointment are all true. Try to acknowledge them. Do not whip yourself for being angry or sad or depressed. You are a human being and it is totally normal to feel all these emotions.

If you are feeling that your sadness or your negative emotion is not valid then I would like to say that you are fooling yourself. Being honest with your emotions is the true strength you give to yourself.

3.Pause and reflect

This is something that I have been preaching for quite a long time now. One single pause at the time of your raging emotions can create wonders for your mental health. Instead of ranting out your emotions at the first go itself, try to pause your thinking and reflect back on it. Ask yourself:

"Why am I angry?" (your emotion here)
"What is the use of being angry?"
"I am being right with my emotion?"
"I am going to hurt others with my emotion?"

You can go on add the list of the questions that you need to ask yourself!

4. Get curious about the trigger point

For every emotion, there is a trigger point. Get curious about the trigger point. Ask yourself:

"What made me angry?" (your emotion here)
"What is the event that made me feel this rage?"
" What was I thinking at the time of starting to feel angry?"
"How did my anger grow?"
"What thoughts made my anger grow?"
"Who was responsible for this emotion?"

You can interrogate yourself as much as you can. Just remember that be positive while exploring your emotions. Because every emotion is completely valid and it is okay to feel that way!

5. Rewind and fast forward

This method will really help you cope up with your emotions. Go back to the time when you have already felt this emotion and handled it well. Feel the feelings of handling the emotion quite good.  This will give you a sensation of overcoming the raging emotion. In the same way, fast forward to the future and imagine yourself handling the emotion perfectly well. This will improve your mood instantly and let your rage/anger/sadness or whatever emotion cool down.

This exercise is quite powerful because when we are faced with a challenging emotion we tend to concentrate more on how we are feeling now and forget all the things around us. Channeling your present energy to your past and future will let your present problem cool down a bit.

6. Take Action

Once you have explored and analyzed your complete emotion. Now, it is time to take action and easily handle the emotional burden. Prove yourself that you can overcome any obstacle if you take action to change your emotions!

All the best!


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