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The best coaching tool to leverage your life | The Wheel of Life | Free online Wheel of Life Assessment

The best life is a balanced life. Every one of us wants a balanced life. We need to good at our career and at the same time available for our family. We need good health and wealth while having the best finances. Spending time with friends and enjoying our own company is something ideal for everyone.

However, most of us are not living a balanced life. This imbalance creates chaos in our life. If we concentrate solely on our careers, our relationships will become spoiled. If we focus on having fun, our career will be on stake. Sometimes, we don’t even know where we are lacking and how to make our life balanced. This is where the wheel of life comes into the picture.

 What is the wheel of life?

The wheel of life shows how to bring balance in one's life. It actually acts like a self-reflection of how one is satisfied with their life. Wheel of life is often used as an important coaching tool to find the balance in life or to set goals.

 How to use the wheel of life? 

Wheel of life is a tool consisting of 8 subdivisions. You will have to rate each subdivision according to your level of satisfaction in that area of your life. (Note: 1 being the least and 10 being the highest) According to your rating, the wheel of life will show you how balanced on imbalanced your life is.

The Wheel of life consists of 8 subdivisions

1. Health

How healthy are you physically and mentally? Are you satisfied with your habits to maintain a healthy life? Are you taking care of your body and mind?

2. Career

How satisfied are you with this job? Is your job bringing you peace and satisfaction? Is this your ideal job or would you pursue another career? Is this job bringing in enough money to make a decent living?

3. Love

How is your Relationship with your partner and also with you? Are you in a growth-oriented relationship or a toxic one? Are you going to build a great future with your partner? Are you in a satisfying relationship?

4. Spirituality

Are you spiritually inclined in life. It does not need to be a religion to follow. But, are you in peace with yourselves and the world? Are you happy with the philosophy of your life?

5. Family

How is your relationship with your family? Are you spending enough tie with your family? Are you satisfied by how you are understanding your family needs and vice versa?

6. Money

How much are you satisfied with your finances? Are you happy with the money you get? Are you able to pay bills and have food on your plate without any delay? Are you happy and content with what you have?

7. Fun

Are you having any recreational activities? Do you enjoy your leisure time doing fun activities? Do you have fun in your life? Are you satisfied enough with the fun you have in your life?

8. Friends

Do you have good friends to rely on? Are you spending time with your friends? Are you satisfied with the network of friends you have now? Are your friends kind and supportive of you?

This is how your wheel of life may look after completion

Click this link to take your free Online Wheel of Life Assessment:

Reflection on your wheel of life

After filling in all of the scores, The Wheel of Life is completed.

With scores from 8 to 10, you are very satisfied in a specific category. It is important to ensure that this is maintained, but that improvement in this area is always possible.

With scores from 5 to 7, you are reasonably satisfied with a category, but there is definitely a chance for improvement and to achieve goals.

Scores from 1 to 4 show that someone is not happy at all about this particular area. You have to find ways to improve satisfaction here.

Nevertheless, such scores provide plenty of opportunities. Often, it has been forgotten that this is possible, and therefore it is good to consider this. The following questions can be useful for this:

  • Why did you give yourself such a low score on this category?
  • What is the ideal score for each category?
  • What score do you want to achieve after a month, after 3 months, after 6 months, and after a year?
  • Which categories scoreless?
  • Which categories are of individual importance to be able to achieve balance

The completed Wheel of Life is an individual starting point and can be grim or balanced in appearance. It says something about how efficient and effective someone is in life. 

Of course, it is easy to be extremely satisfied with one category, but what else should happen to the other categories?

For example, if you spend all the time and energy on your career, that will undoubtedly also have a positive effect on the finances. But to what extent are you then satisfied with relationships with friends and family? What is the result of this for health, well-being, and relaxation?

By looking at all aspects and ensuring that they are all connected, the balance can be found in life. The key is to find the balance and that is exactly what the Wheel of Life is about. It allows people to see what they are currently living in, forcing them to think ahead and find limits, which makes the wheel expand and grow.

Take Action

After having your wheel of life in hand, you will transparently know where you are lacking and where you have to set goals. So, according to that, you can work on your life to achieve balance and satisfaction.

This is a very simple, yet an effective tool to improve the quality of your life.

Click this link to take your free Online Wheel of Life Assessment:


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