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5 Things to do when you feel like giving up

We have all been at a stage in life where we just felt like giving up and sinking down in the couch. In my past, I was a pro in giving up. I will start something with utmost enthusiasm but will tend to give up on that really soon. It was mostly because, I was lazy or I did not really like what I am doing.

But, later on, I discovered that I was giving up mostly because I did not have a direction. I was always deviating from my purpose. I wish I had someone to tell me this earlier.

Below are the 5 things that will help you when you feel like giving up.

1. Go back to 'Why?'

I give up because I would have lost the purpose. Most of us tend to initiate a goal, relationship or something with a pure intention in our mind. However, when days go by we forget the true purpose of the goal and just follow it just for the sake of doing it.

This will create a void in our motivation to achieve the goal. So, whenever you feel like giving up on something then just revisit your goal and ask yourself "Why did I want to achieve this goal?". This question will give you a sense of clarity and will bring you back to the real purpose of the goal.

If you still have that purpose in your heart and head, then you will most probably hinge onto your goal and continue working on it.

(Note: in this case, it can not only be a goal. It can also be a relationship, personal and professional achievements)

2. What would happen if you kept going?

I am going to bring back the power of journaling.

If you are not a journal person then at least use a paper and pen or any electronic device to write down what would really happen if you kept going?

I am asking you to write it down because writing helps you organize your thoughts. Your thoughts are tangled and chaotic, sometimes you will be so confused and overthink to an extent of quitting. So, it is always better to write it down and analyze them.

We lose motivation because we are more inclined towards the short term satisfaction than the long term achievement. If you ask this question and write down a detailed answer, it will give you a picture of  your future self once you have achieved that goal.

This will also give you a chance to tear through the future. You can find if you will be happy after attaining your desired outcome or will you be sad and unfulfilled.

3. Why would you want to give up?

Giving up sometimes will seem senseless. We tend to give up mostly because of the lack of motivation.

Before giving up evaluate why you actually wanted to give up. Is it because you are lazy? Are you afraid to continue? Do you feel that the goal is meaningless?

List down all the reasons you give yourself to give up. Now analyze them and put 'V' for Valid and 'I' for invalid. Valid stands for valid reasons like the lack of resources or you feel that the goal will make no change, etc. Invalid stands for Invalid reasons like lack of motivation, etc. If you feel that you will not do the analysis correctly then give it to a trusted friend or colleague to do it for you.

After analyzing, see if your reasons are valid. If it is valid then stop working on that goal. If you push further when you have valid reasons then you will become more stressed out.

If you have invalid reasons then work on the reasons firs before working on the goal.

4. Rest, don’t quit

When feeling like giving up, don’t be hard o yourself. Sometimes, you just need to rest and rejuvenate.

Don’t quit. Just take rest, go for a vacation, and then come back and start over. Our mind and body is not a robot to work 24/7. So give yourself the rest you deserve.

5. Evaluate your feelings

According to me, the first and foremost thing to consider when achieving a goal or anything is the feeling towards it. I have learned that feeling plays a major role in achieving something.

Always ask yourself how you are feeling towards that goal. Are you satisfied and happy? Or are you pursuing that goal with no enthusiasm? Who has control over your goal? Is it you or others.

Any goal you set in your life be it personal or professional should only enhance your quality of life. If it is not doing that then please don’t waste your time and energy on it.


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