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5 Ways to develop Empathy

According to me Empathy is the most needed skill in anything you do. Be it in your work, home, personal relationships, or anything. Empathy can make you more humane.

I always love understanding people and helping them out. But, I had one major drawback - I was short-tempered and had a very bad anger management. This is the one habit I really wanted to change in me.

The one thing that helped me with my anger issues is empathy. Empathy helped me calm down when someone did not understand me. Empathy is a great habit to develop. It has made magic in my life. I am more calm and peaceful nowadays.

Empathy is understanding other person's feelings. It is standing in their shoes and sinking into their skin. Empathy is processing the other person's feelings to understand how and why they are behaving in a particular manner.

Suppose, say you are married. One day, your partner is coming home from work agitated and angry. They don’t speak normally with you. They don’t even ask how was your day. When you partner starts talking he/she is only complaining about what is not good. You are clueless here.

There are two options here to ow to react to your partner's behavior.

a. You can shout at them for being miserable to you. You can prove your point that your partner did not treat you right. You can shout, throw things and get into a fight. This might make you feel good in short term. But soon or less, you will start having your guilt trip

b. Or you have one more way of how you can respond. You can analyze why your spouse is behaving in a certain way. Maybe they had to work late hours, maybe they lost their promotion. Maybe they were humiliated in a meeting. Just get into your partner's role and feel what they feel. What would you want to do when you were in that kind of situation. Will you want your partner to throw tantrums after returning from such a stressful day? Obviously no right.
So, understand and what your partner is going through and try to help them. Maybe you could cook their favorite food for dinner, or you can leave them alone if that is what they want.

Empathy can save a lot of relationships and problems. You have to understand other persons feeling and be kind to them accordingly.

1. Develop a Perspective

Having a perspective is an important aspect of developing empathy. Perspective is nothing but choices.

For example, Your friend gets angry on you because you did not come to her birthday party. Now, you might think that "She can't be angry on me because I did not come to the party, I was tired because of work. She is so mean".
Your friend might think "He was the only friend I had. I am important to no one. I feel miserable. He did not come to the party because he did not want to be with me"
See, these are two different perspectives. The ambiguous thoughts of your friend's and yours can be corrected only if you people switch places.
You should see the world from your friend's eyes. How much she should have missed you, how she had no one except you, how upset she should have got. When you understand your friend's feelings, you won't think that you friend is mean. The dispute would be solved before even starting.

This is how, you develop perspective. Just by understanding why someone is reacting in a certain way.

2. Try someone else's life

Every being in this world is unique. If you really want to understand why the other person has different belief's than yours, then there is no better way than living their life.

Try going to a mosque or Hindu temple rather than a church. Try eating what they eat. Try communicating like them. Understand why they have certain beliefs.

Also, understand most of problems in the world is created because of a lack of empathy. One person considers their god the best whereas the other fights and says that their religion is the most peaceful. Two parties then fight to prove which religion is peaceful. Know that only because you believe that something is true, the other person might not need to believe your truth. They will have their own truth that they follow. We have to learn to respect that. Mocking other religion or other's beliefs will never make you cool.

3. Work on a shared cause

I love this because working on a shared cause gives you greater opportunities to interact with people of different backgrounds and beliefs. This will help you understand others in a more efficient way.

For example, when Chennai and Kerala were flooded, there were so many people from different parts of the world who came together to help people. When mosques were flooded, Hindu temples were open. When Christians were wounded Sikhs came forward to help.

Regardless of our differences, we are all human beings. We are emotionally connected to other humans. When we worked on a shared cause like this we will be more vulnerable to the changes and we will develop more respect for others opinions.

4. Talk to people

Talk to random people. Understand how they view the world. Make connections.

Empathy can be found in everything you view. Be curious about what the other person's model of the world looks like. Learn how others approach religion and politics. Embrace your learning. There is no good teacher like the life itself. So, get the most out of it.

5. Read fiction of different genres

Fiction books are a great source of imagination. When you read you will sink into the world of the author. Once you get accustomed to reading you will understand how all the characters in the book act and feel.

Reading is something that you can enjoy and learn simultaneously. Read fiction to develop a perspective of the world.


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