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10 Things that going broke will teach you

At a point in time, every middle-class person who is working hard to meet ends and keeps up the pace faces a situation where he/she would have gone completely broke. Broke is different from losing money. Broke is having only 1000 rupees in your bank account while you have 15 long days to go for the next payday.

Being broke teaches you so many things. I have been broke, having nothing in my hand, losing money and being frustrated to the extreme.

One day, I was surfing an e-commerce website and found a product I really wanted to buy, It cost around 500 rs. I then ordered it without even checking my bank account. My payment got canceled. I was wondering why it got canceled, and then I checked my bank account. My balance was -351. I was shocked and I let that sink in for a bit. That night, I did not sleep, I was scared of my future. I don’t want to live with the fear of not having enough money for the rest of my life. That is when I became an Action taker. Being broke has been a push for me to go beyond my comfort zone and do things that I have never done before.

Below are some of the things that being broke will teach you

1. Character

Being broke might change your character. The next time you encounter someone struggling, you'll understand exactly what it is he or she is going through, you'll know exactly what he or she is feeling, you'll empathize and you'll help in whatever way you can.

You will become from that self-centered human being to the one who has a lot of understanding and empathy towards others.

2. Priorities

Being broke will help you understand your priorities. When you have only 500 rs in your hand, you will not go buy that lipstick or wallet you wanted. You will save it up for your lunch and dinner.

Being broke will teach you what is really important in life. Can your expensive hair cut wait? Do you want that new perfume? What about the sports shoes you had an eye on? Are they really important now?

3. Survival

Again, when you only have 500 Rs in your account, you might not want to have an expensive dinner or that spaghetti or your favorite white pasta. You will evaluate the chances of surviving all the days you have got until your next pay and plan your food accordingly.

You will learn to take a bus instead of hiring a taxi. You will learn to live without ordering out. You will learn to live without parties and fun. You will understand what is important for survival.

4. What is Life?

Most of us always equate money to happiness and life. When you are broke you will learn that money is not life.

You will understand that you will be able to survive without money. You need money to live the desired life. But survival does not require sole money. You will know that life still goes on and it is beautiful. There is no abrupt stop to your life even after burning your pockets.

5. Value

Once you recover from being broke, you will begin to look at things differently — you will look at them and know their value. You will cherish the Barbecue Meat Lovers pizza that just arrived and you will chew patiently, savoring every single ingredient in it.

You will take your car and go for a drive, pull the window down, let the breeze in, feel the gas under your foot as you accelerate and you will drive without rushing.

As they say, you will never understand the value of something until it slips from your hands.

6. Worthy people

You will find who your tribe is. Most people want to stick by you when you have money and fame. These people turn their faces when they know that you are broke. Some might even ignore you because they fear that they might have to lend their money to you.

At times like this, you will find who is your real family and friends. Whom you should keep close by and the ones you should avoid.

7. Patience

Building yourself after being broke is quite a hard process. You will learn that there is nothing called 'overnight success'. Being on the bottom makes you understand that it takes a lot of time, effort and failure in order to finally see some glimmer of success. The only problem is, so many people can’t internalize this fact, which is why not everyone sees success.

8. How to be creative

When you have money in hand, you might spend it on your wish and also you will probably not find other ways to make money when you have money in hand. Going broke will make you more creative and your brain might work even faster. You will become creative in your spending and organization skills once you go broke. There would be proper planning and priorities set so that you can spend your money wisely.

9. Gratitude

Going broke teaches you to be grateful for what you had and what you have. Once you become broke you will start to appreciate things that have come easy to you. Everything in your life that you have not even considered before will seem worthy to you now. Being broke gives you a new set of perspective to look the world.

10. You are not alone

Whatever your situation maybe believe that you can move on. Nothing is permanent in life. Everything is prone to change.It's just another rainy season for you and yes, you hate how wet and muddy it is, but it will pass and the sun will shine again.

You've just got to stick out some confidence with a smile and a little faith. You can never do it all on your own, believe in something and have faith in it. But ultimately, be strong, it will be okay, it will pass.


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