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Tips to exercise your brain to avoid lazy thinking

Most of the decisions we take are dominated by our unconscious mind. It means that we are making decisions without our own influence. Even though your unconscious mind works 24/7 tirelessly, keeping all your organs operating, it is lazy. So it chooses the path of least resistance. As 95% of your decisions are controlled by your subconscious, it will always direct you to be lazy in whatever you do.

How to control your subconscious mind?

You have to put some effort to control it. Rather, you can trick your unconscious. Basically, your conscious mind is an interface of the tremendous brain. You can consciously control some of your actions which in turn will have an imprint on your unconscious mind and then it will start to act accordingly.

For example, if you chose to lose weight, your subconscious mind wouldn't encourage it. It does not like effort. So if you tend to obey your subconscious, then you might end up skipping the gym and eating chips while watching TV. But, if you consciously push and direct your subconscious/the lazy mind to obey you. Even if you feel like skipping a workout, you should not. When you least obey the instructions of your lazy mind, it will become submissive and obey your orders else it will become the master and you will be the laziest slave.

8 tips to overcome lazy thinking

1. Start small, but start

We always wanted to do something or achieve greater results in our life. We would have a plan to made up in our head but we always find it difficult to start. So what we can do is, we can start small.

Let's say you wanted to build the habit of reading. You should start off small by beginning with local authors and understandable language. You can choose to read fiction stories as they keep you glued to the book. And then you can gradually move on to other genres and international authors. If you start with big bounded books with a huge vocabulary, you will find it hard to keep up the momentum and your brain will decide that you can never build the habit of reading. So, you may end up giving up your goal.

2. Set realistic goals

It is important that you convince your mind that your goal is achievable. When you set some unrealistic goals, your mind loses focus and won't believe you. You cannot set some goals like "Losing 15 kgs in one month". It is not healthy and it is impossible.

3. Appreciate yourselves

Keep your mind entertained. Give rewards to keep up the enthusiasm. If you have studied the whole week without distraction, give your mind the reward of watching your favorite series. When you don't be hard on yourselves and give yourselves rewards, your brain will love your goal more. So it will work in all possible ways to help you achieve it.

4. Have clarity on your goal

If you don't know where you are going, you will end up being lost. Always lay a road map of your goal before starting with it. This will give your mind clarity about where you are going. Your mind loves clarity, if you are clear with every step you are taking then there is no more advantage than that in reaching your goal.

5. Enjoy what you are doing

Don't be hard on yourselves. If you be so, your mind will lose interest soon. You can push your limits, but enjoying doing it. Enjoy working out, enjoy reading. Make everything you do fun. Your mind loves entertainment, so give it in every possible way. To make an employee work hard, the employer should provide him with all possible benefits. You are the employer here and your mind is the employee working tirelessly for you.

6. Be patient

If you have real clarity with your goals, you will know when you will get the result. So don't work out for one month and say nothing changed so I am quitting. You have to be patient and consistent to see the results. Before beginning with your goal, make sure you approximately know when you are going to get the results.

7. Ask for help

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. So don't hesitate to seek advice or help. If you don't know the answer or way for something, you should ask for help rather than sitting idle or quitting. Asking for help also means learning from others. When you learn from others, you become a better person. So always reach out to people when in need.

8. Don't be hard on yourself

Don't beat yourself with all the stress to achieve something. And don't get anxious or depressive because you are not able to achieve something. Remember, it is ok to be not ok. It is ok not to stick with the plan always and it is fine to start over anything. What is more important than your goal is you. So, first, take care of yourself and have the right mind to take up any challenge.


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