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How to change your mind to change your life?

The life we live currently is designed by our minds. Whether you accept it or not, everything you do or did is because of your mind. Our minds control our whole life. Do you often feel that your life is pathetic? Do you worry about always running out of money? It means that you have fed wrong instructions to your mind and it is leading you in the wrong way.

Our mind is our asset. It is our responsibility to protect it. It is capable of yielding huge benefits to your life. The only thing you have to do is feed the right information. Read and implement the following ideas to change your mind which in turn will change your life.

1. Positive self-talk

Our poor minds are imprisoned because of all the negativity we put into it. We become our worst criticizer. Self-talk has a lot to do with how your life is. If you keep on saying yourself that 'You are not capable', 'You are ugly', 'You are not good', then your life will become a replica of it. Not only that, but self-talk is also an emotion that creates a feeling of despair. If you keep on talking bad about yourself you will always feel low with life. You will miss the life that is waiting beyond the self-hatred.
No matter who you have in life, no matter who loves you the most, they will never become you. You got your own life to live. You are your greatest power. You are your greatest supporter. When you start putting all your energy to be good to yourself first, when you emphasize feeding only the right thing about you to your mind, I bet you that your life will be taken to a next level.
Start embracing your imperfections, love you for who you are. Just start by adding one positive affirmation about yourself. Love the life you have created around you, even if it's messy.

2. Know your worth

Understand that you are worthy of all the things. If you put in the mind and work, you are capable of becoming whatever you aim to be. Don't give priority to any negative influence in your life. People might shout that 'You are incapable', but remember that you are not put on this beautiful world to entertain their ego. You have your own life that is waiting to celebrate. You have no need to prove others. The only person you have to prove yourself is YOU.
No one ever in this world is unworthy. No race, color, caste, and creed can be a threshold for your worth. Understand, you have the universe within you!

3. Change the language you use

The day to day language you use can also affect your mindset. The way you articulate things can be a threat to your life. According to NLP (Neuro-linguistic program), our brain does not decode 'NO'. For example, if you say ' I am never going to be late again', it will decode as 'I am going to be late again'. So, always be cautious of the language you are using. Instead of saying 'I will never be late' you can say ' I will be early hereafter'. Try to include positive sentences in whatever you say. Your mind will increase the level of positivity it sees around. As a result of this, your whole life will elevate to the next level.

4. Step out of your comfort zone

If you are constantly worrying about why life is so unfair to you, it means that you are stuck. People who always thrive beyond the comfort zone never feel stuck. They know that there are numerous possibilities to change the lifestyle they live and so they do.
When you come out of your safe zone, you will have so many experiences. After all, experiences are what shapes everyone's life. When you experience things out of your zone, you will have a lot of life lessons that might change your level of thinking. It is always better to work out of your comfort zone because you will never know what is lying beyond.

5. Ask questions to increase perspective

When you ask questions, your brain automatically becomes like google and goes in search of answers. When you dig in the answer, you might find a different perspective of the truth. It is always good to ask questions because naturally most of the humans think that the theory they believe is the best, this is why there have been wars an crimes. Right from religion to politics, people never give a second thought of what other person thinks.
When you stand in the shoes of others and look the world through their eyes you will see a different one than yours. So, when you have that courtesy to understand the perspective of others you will be living a life of intelligence and peace.

6. Stop being judgmental

Do you know that the concept of 'language' was formed because we humans badly wanted to gossip? Yes, we are naturally judgmental. But, that does so many harms to our inner peace and also to the environment we live in. If you are judgmental, you will not be able to see the good in the other person. Every one of us has a positive side and a negative side. Being judgmental will only focus on the not so good side of a person. Because of this, we might miss the opportunity of learning good things from a person. If you want to lift your life, then you must thrive in search of opportunities to learn. When you have that outlook on life, you will never be judgmental ever.

7. Be more empathetic and grateful

As said earlier, it is always good to have another perspective, it will make you empathetic. When you are empathetic, you understand others. You know that it is good for every person that seems bad. As an outcome, you will lead a very peaceful and calm life. You will think before you talk and you will also be able to control your humiliation.
Being grateful is an important way to attain happiness in life. Start your day by counting the blessings instead of scrolling your mobile phone. When you know that you are blessed, you will be happier. You will be content with your life. Contentment is nothing but happiness.


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