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7 steps to make career switch the right way

Career is not just a mere work we do to get paid. It is the most important part of our life. Moreover, the career path we chose, chooses our lifestyle in turn. You may want to be an entrepreneur, but if you are stuck at a 9 to 5 then your ideal life and the current life might not align and this will be a major cause of stress and anxiety.

Most people suffer from anxiety when they are not in their desired job. They work for half of their life only to realize that this is not what they wanted. The suffering of 'What next?' and the regret of not trying what you wanted will result in terrible anxiety. This may also result in less productivity in your current job.

It is always good to know what you want and put your efforts in that direction. Remember, everything is possible if you set your mind on it. If your passion is really important to you, you will find a way to do it no matter what crisis you face. Reasons such as financially weak or not so good at it are just mere reasons. You may achieve heights if you do what you love. Take up the chance buddy, it's your time to live. Below are the 7 steps you can follow to make an effective career switch

Step 1: Monitor your emotions

Sometimes we get so used to running around the clock that we forget what we are feeling. Sometimes, just pause and sink into reality. Journal your thoughts about how and what you feel about your job. Just write it don’t just think. Thinking dissolves and only creates chaos inside your mind but journaling will help you understand what you are thinking and will help you organize your thinking pattern.
See if your thoughts on your current job are not aligning with the thoughts you have on your desired job. If so, you can continue with the next steps.

Step 2: Explore your interests

If you are not satisfied with your current job and its attributes, list down the jobs that you feel you will be satisfied with. I did the same. Once I was not satisfied with my job, I listed down my interests along with what I am good at (Ikigai might help you find your sweet spot in career). I knew that I am empathetic and I love people. I also wanted to help people with mental illness. I also wanted to become a content creator/writer/coach/counselor/teacher. I had a lot of options.
After listing down my interests, I started writing pros and cons for each of the options. And then, I chose one that really resonates with my ideal career. I have always been a person who wants to try millions of things at the same time. But, this time when I wrote down and filtered my interests, I stick to it because I knew I cannot be accurate what I need more than this.

Step 3: Train in your passion while still holding on to your current job

Many may be cool with the first and second steps but quit at the third step because of lame reasons they give like 'I have no time to learn', ' I am exhausted', 'I am too busy to work on a side hustle'. The hell with all the excuses! I would tell that, if you are giving an excuse then you are not serious enough in switching your career. You can well stop trying and go back to your soul-sucking job.
You should just not want a career change, you should be obsessive about it. Just quitting and trying to figure out what you want seems idiotic. Find what you want and learn it while still earning money out of your current job. Invest in learning what you want. Train your passion so that you can happily turn it into a profession.

Step 4: Network with people who are already in your desired job

Search for people who are already in the place you want to be. Observe their lifestyle and ask yourself 'Is this the life I want to lead?'. Talk with them and find out how they work. Learn the pros and cons of your desired job. Will you be able to come out of your comfort zone to work for your passion? Are you ready to start over again? Ask yourself numerous questions. When you talk with people who are already in your desired position, they might give you knowledge that is worthy and you will learn about your desired profession before taking it as your full-time job. Never jump into anything blindly and then regret. It is better to have extensive research before jumping even if you know it is going to be hard.

Step 5: Try to work part-time in your passion

Give up your weekends to work for your passion. Before starting it full-fledged, give it a try by working part-time on it. Track your emotions when working on your passion. How do you feel? Do you feel satisfied? Content? Not good? Or not meant for you?. This will be a good chance for you to identify if this is what you really want.

Step 6: Save at least 6 months of expenses before quitting

This is really an important step. Please never give up your day job without having adequate funds for yourself. Money is really important. You can talk dialogues like 'Money is not important', 'Money does not matter'. But, that is not the reality, money does matter. If you take up your desired job without a backup you might run short of money, this in turn will trigger the emotions of not having enough money. This might affect your interest towards your passion even. So before quitting make a plan. A proper plan which will support you financially and emotionally. 

Step 7: Quit

The time has come. After following all the above six steps with full heart, now you can go ahead and quit the job you don't like. Sometimes following the above steps might even take years but believe me it is going to be worth it. Life is going to happen once and this society has already made enough damages to how we need to lead our life. Let us not put on more baggage and lead a life to pay bills and secure luxuries of no use. Your intuition and soul know where your heart belongs to and it will take you there. You just have to believe it and not be too hard on yourselves for letting you follow your dreams. Let's all live the life of our dreams without any judgment.


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