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10 must read personal development books

Right book at the right time can change your life. Books are our forever mentors. It is important for one to develop the habit of reading. Books can come to rescue at any time and therefore you should be ready to welcome one. Below are the top 10 personal development books that are a must-read.
 #1. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
This book by the German-born spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle is a perfect introduction to the world of non-duality and meditation. Now over 20 years old, the book remains a best-seller because of it’s easy to absorb lessons and messages. If you are looking to embark on a journey towards a more profound sense of peace and away from pain and attachment, this is the place to start.

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#2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
First published in 1989, this book is a classic of personal-development literature. Steven Covey teaches you an effective method to achieve goals that are based on your internal values. By aligning yourself to what Covey calls “true north” – your personal ethics – you greatly improve your productivity. The book is focused on three themes; independence, interdependence and continual improvement. It’s an absolute must-read for anyone looking to improve their life.

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#3. The War of Art – Steven Pressfield

This book is a masterpiece that will resonate will artists and entrepreneurs of all sorts. The book revolves around the concept of ‘resistance.’ Resistance is a part of the human psyche that intentionally gets in the way of us producing the works of art we have to offer the world. The War of Art has spiritual undertones and has been written from the perspective of a novelist, but anyone who wants to produce something for the world, whether that be in business, art or literature, will find this book immensely rewarding.  

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#4. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Over the last 20 years, psychologists and neuroscientists have made leaps and bounds when it comes to an understanding of what we call the flow-state. More colloquially known as ‘the zone’ this state of consciousness occurs when we find a balance between a difficult challenge and a level of aptitude. It’s characterized by a loss of sense of self, intense focus and a distortion of our sense of time. Research has shown that people who spend more time in flow-state tend to be happy and more engaged with their lives, and this book will show you just how you can do that.  

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#5. Power of positive thinking- by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
 The precursor to The Secret, The Power of Positive Thinking has helped millions of men and women to achieve fulfillment in their lives. In this phenomenal bestseller, Dr. Peale demonstrates the power of faith in action. With the practical techniques outlined in this book, you can energize your life -- and give yourself the initiative needed to carry out your ambitions and hopes.

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#6. Outliers: The story of success - Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers take a scientific look at what it actually takes to achieve success in life. Unlike some of the other books on this list, it does not give a specific list of the things you need to do to achieve success. It looks at very interesting anecdotes that support the main point of the book, that success is not achieved by luck, attitude or even skill, but that the only real measurement is the time we put into our skills. People who achieve higher degrees of success almost always have more time building the skills they use for their success.

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#7.Getting things done: The Art of stress-free productivity by David Allen

Allen gives solid advice on how to plan all the aspects of a hectic life (both business and personal). This book comes with a solution to all the chaos life throws your way. It can help you stay organized and on top of everything. I do not currently follow all the tenants of GTD. I have incorporated a more web-based approach as I discuss in my book on Evernote.  But I still feel Getting Things Done is a must-read, even if you discard his specific approaches, the core ideas will still shed light on many ways to be more productive.

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#8.Why we do what we do: Understanding self-motivation by Edward L. Deci

One of the key to success in life is self-motivation. Most people will perform when they have to, at work or at home. Self-motivation means going that extra mile and not needing the external commitments to get things done. When you can become self-motivated, the achievement will follow as surely as the sun rises in the east. But self-motivation is not something that is always as easy as it might sound. Deci showcases all the current science on the subject of motivation and explains the hows and whys in a simple to understand terms.  You likely have ideas of what motivates you already, but reading this book will give you a clean and clear understanding of your motivation.

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#9. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie wrote several great self-help books in his time but is easily his best. This book How to Win Friends and Influence People is king when it comes to learning how to work and communicate with people. Carnegie does a great job of showing that good communication really has nothing to do with natural talent or smooth words, but knowing the right tactics to use with interacting with others, something everyone can do.
Communication is one of the single most important skills you can work on, given how critical communication is to everything that we do. If you want (or believe you need) to become a better communicator, or simply want to get better at working with people, read this now.

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#10. What to Say When You Talk to Your Self by Dr. Shad Helmstetter

This book had a profound effect on me at a very critical point in my life. A classic that’s not often listed on best self-help book lists, Dr. Helmstetter’s What to Say When You Talk to Your Self has the ability to completely transform your life by showing you how to master your inner self-talk. Our inner dialogue holds huge amounts of control over our life, influencing virtually every decision we make each and every day. The only problem is, our inner dialogue is usually incredibly negative and self-destructive.
So, what happens when you learn to master this inner dialogue and change it? Your entire life changes. I credit this book, in part, for helping me get out of a difficult spot in my life where I was working somewhere I knew didn’t align with my purpose but didn’t have the confidence or belief to take the next step.
If you believe your inner dialogue is holding you back, this book has the chance to change your life forever.

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