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9 profound mental benefits of exercising

   It is obvious that regular exercise enhances your physical wellbeing. It can make you look healthier, have a slim waistline, better muscles, and a great physique. Do you know that exercising can also be very helpful mentally?

   So many people who exercise on a regular basis continue to do so not only because of the physical health but also for the mental wellbeing exercise can give. Exercising is a proven medication for depression and anxiety. It is said to reduce mental health problems and boost self-confidence.

Below are the few psychological advantages of exercising:

1. Reduces Stress
       Exercising can profoundly reduce stress. An increase in your heart rate while exercising can produce norepinephrine, a neurohormone that increases the mood and the capability of clear thinking during stressful events. Exercise can reverse your stress- induced brain and increase its ability to respond to stressful events.

2. Reduces depression and anxiety
        Physical exercise help in profound reduction of symptoms of depression and anxiety that even doctors recommend trying out exercise regimen before turning into medication. It is a natural medicine for people suffering these mental problems.  Exercising releases the hormones that help in reducing depression/anxiety. Ever heard of a someone who just went through breakup, hitting the gym and transforming into a different person? It is all because the mental benefit that exercise gives to calm down the depression.

3. Boost Happiness
       Exercising can release endorphins, which are happiness inducing hormones. This can boost your overall mood and make you feel happy and energized. Exercise can be used as an alternative for antidepressant medicines. You no need to go to the gym or run for 1 hour. Exercising just 30 mins a day few times a week can tremendously improve your mood.

4. Keeps the brain healthy
       As we become older, our brain functions tend to slow down. It might be hard to memorize so things and recollect some. Our memory will decline and some even have Alzheimer's. While the declining of the brain functions can be stopped/slowed down with the help of healthy diet and exercise. Exercising can boost chemicals in the brain that prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an essential part of the brain for memory and learning.

5. Increase Brainpower
      Various studies have proved that exercising produce new brain cells also known as neurogenesis and improve the overall performance of the brain. Studies also suggest that a great workout increases the levels of brain  derived protein(also known as BDNF) in the body which is believed to enhance the capabilities like creative thinking, decision making and learning.

6. Sharpen Memory
       Regular physical activity boosts the ability to learn and grasp new thing faster. As seen earlier, exercise produces new brain cells in the hippocampus region which is responsible for memory and learning. So, it is also proven that exercise can benefit your memory too!

7. Helps in controlling addiction
       The brain releases dopamine ( which is also known as the reward chemical) for any type of pleasure driving activities, be it exercise, drugs, sex. This dopamine leads to addiction of any activity that releases it. Unfortunately, many people get addicted to drugs and alcohol than any other activity. Exercise can be used to help the addicts to recover from their addiction and save their lives.

8. Better Sleep
       If you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, exercise can help with that, too. Physical activity increases body temperature, which can have calming effects on the mind. Exercise also helps regulate your circadian rhythm, our bodies’ built-in alarm clock that controls when we feel tired and when we feel alert.

9. Increases Self confidence
       It is obvious that regular physical activity will result in healthier muscles, slimmer physique and over all good look. So, this change in your body automatically boosts your self-confidence. You feel really good and proud about yourself when you fit into that dress you always wanted to or run an extra mile with ease.An increased self-confidence is one of myriad benefits of exercising. 

Happy Exercising!


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