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5 signs that you need a career change NOW | Signs of an unfulfilling career

5 signs that you need a career change NOW | Signs of an unfulfilling career  

 Choosing your career is an important part of your life. Most of us, choose our career paths early in our life. Only after traveling for some years in a particular career, we tend to realize that this is not meant for us.

   It is always good that you have a job to pay your bills and be secure. But, is your life only meant to pay bills and die? Studies say that the average person spends about 50 years working. It means it is almost 65% of your life revolves around your job.

   A career change can be scary and risky. But, ask yourself is it worth the risk? You need to explore yourself to find your hidden talents. Your real area of interest. Talk to people who are already working in your desired job. You have to go out and seek the career you want. After all, change is the only constant and life is to explore.

  If you are reading this, there are chances that you might also feel unsatisfied with your current career. If you nod your head for the below signs, it means you also need a  career change NOW.

1. You dream of having a different career

        If you sit in your cubicle daydreaming yourself in some other fulfilling career. Or if you have bookmarks of other job opportunities, it means you are not satisfied with your job right now. You might feel exhausted trying for all the new jobs or finding out what you truly want. It might feel like being stuck and forever trapped. You want to move on but you are not sure how and where. You have that inner urge to fly with that broken wings.

2. You can't imagine yourself 10 years from now into that job

       Imagine yourself 10 years from now in your current job. How do you feel? Is it exciting or exhausting? Do you feel you should have changed your career already? If you feel sick when you think of yourself inside the cubicle, doing the work over and over again without any contentment or joy then it is time for you to switch your career.

3. You are there only for money

       It is good that you have a job that pays you well and takes care of your bills and luxuries. But ask yourself again is it worth it? You might live a lavish life with all the money. You can buy whatever you want, go wherever you wish to but what about your inner peace. As you grow older, it will be obvious that peace and happiness will become your priority. You are not gonna hug your million dollars while on the deathbed. It is not always about "How much I have earned?", it is "How much I have lived?"
      Finding your passion and pursuing a profession you really enjoy will make you feel happy and productive both personally and professionally. You just have to find out where your heart belongs to!

4. If given a chance to leave you would leave

      Imagine, that you are completely free of responsibilities and financially secure. Will you still do your job? If the answer is No then you might want to reconsider staying in your current job. 
      I love writing and sharing information. It is awesome that I get paid for what I do. Even if I get filthy rich so that I no need to work for my whole life, I would still continue to write and share what I learn. I don't consider writing/blogging as my job but as a place where my heart it. I would never give up on writing even if all the circumstances turn against.

5. You don't feel you are making any impact

     You feel that you are doing a monotonous job day in and day out. You feel that your capabilities and talents are never tested. You have so much potential to make an impact on the world but your current job does not utilize your abilities. It might be tiring to have all the capabilities but to just hide it or never put it into use to showcase your talent. Your current job may not be the stage where you are the star.

These signs may be an indication that you are not satisfied with your current job. You are not alone in this journey. Last year, around 6.2 million people in the U.S alone changed their careers completely. It might not be wise to quit your job and then search for your passion to set out a new career path. You have to start asking yourself frequently on what is setting your heart on fire. Just lay out the new career path you wish to explore and just do it. It is better to try and then fail than regret not trying.


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