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3 steps to unlock the full potential of your subconscious mind!

3 steps to unlock the full potential of your subconscious mind!

Do you always wonder why only certain people are successful?

Why only some have the qualities for success such as confidence, perseverance, and hard work?

You might probably think that people are successful because of luck, knowing the right people or by receiving a prestigious education.

But most people who have been successful are the ones who started from zero.

How did they succeed?

All the extremely successful people have just tapped the energy of their subconscious mind and they have programmed it for success.

It is really possible for everyone on this planet to program their minds to work towards success. But unfortunately, most people don’t know how to use this magical mind so they end up being mediocre for the whole life.

What is the subconscious mind and what can it do?

Humans possess two minds, one is the conscious mind and the other is the subconscious mind.

Basically, the conscious mind is your logical mind. It helps you in doing tasks and thinking which you do purposefully.

For example, if you want to find the sum of five plus three it's your conscious mind that is going to help you in making the addition.

Whereas a Subconscious mind is your mastermind. It is alert and awake all the time even when you are sleeping.

It is built on habituation. Whatever you do and think habitually will be fed into the subconscious mind.

Almost, 95% of our lives are controlled by the subconscious mind.

Steps to train your subconscious mind

1. Open up your mind by asking the right questions

                 Asking questions will be a powerful method to focus your mind. When you question your mind starts searching for answers from all the stocks of memory you have in your mind storage. It will eventually lead you to answers.

               For example, If I ask you to look for the things that are blue in color in a room and list down them without having a look again, you might probably do well. But what if I asked you to list down the things that are pink in color without looking up again, you might probably struggle.

2. Repetition is the language of the subconscious mind

              It is repetition that our subconscious mind recognizes, not the logic. You have to desire for success and repeat it to your subconscious mind over and over in the form of visualization and affirmations.

               When you visualize what you want and keep on repeating the scene of achieving it, you are programming your subconscious mind for success.

3. Act As if

               'As if' is a really powerful word. Once you set your goals and start visualizing, you should also start acting as if you have already achieved the goal.

              For instance, Mark was extremely broke. He had no money to afford a home. But still, he always talks and behaves as if he is one of the wealthiest people in the town. He was always busy. He always dressed like a millionaire.
               One day Mark's friend Jake asked him "How come you dress like this always?".
               Mark replied "Because rich people dress like this"

               "But you are broke and the whole town knows that"

                "Maybe the whole town believes so but I refuse to believe that I am broke," said Mark with a sly.

              That is how strong you should believe in yourself and act as if you are already a millionaire.

               The subconscious mind takes everything literally. It does not know the difference between imagination and reality. This is the reason why you get goosebumps while you see some heart-melting scenes in movies.


Everything you want to attain can be absolutely achieved by these three steps. All you need while training the subconscious mind is the belief, Imagination, and desire. You can also become as successful as your role models out there just by programming your mind for success!


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