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Showing posts from January, 2020

Harmful effects of drugs on human brain and life

       India contains almost 6 crore alcohol addicts, 3.1 crore people are addicts for various other drugs like the ganja, heroin, cocaine, and cannabis-related products. “Nearly one in five alcohol user suffers from dependence and needs urgent treatment,” said the survey conducted by AIIMS, Delhi, pegging the number of people who need urgent treatment at around 3.2 crore people of total 5.7 crore people considered to be alcohol addicts. Overall, 1.6 % women and 27.3% men in the country use alcohol.       To make the matters worse, there are 8.5 lakh people in the country who inject drugs (PWID). Users of opium based drugs report high incidence of injecting drugs (heroin 46% and pharmaceutical opioids 46%), a large number of these drug users report risky injecting practice      A person’s mental health refers to the condition of their psychological and emotional well-being. Poor mental health can have severe ramifications, and so it is very important that people take care

9 profound mental benefits of exercising

            It is obvious that regular exercise enhances your physical wellbeing. It can make you look healthier, have a slim waistline, better muscles, and a great physique. Do you know that exercising can also be very helpful mentally?    So many people who exercise on a regular basis continue to do so not only because of the physical health but also for the mental wellbeing exercise can give. Exercising is a proven medication for depression and anxiety. It is said to reduce mental health problems and boost self-confidence. Below are the few psychological advantages of exercising: 1. Reduces Stress        Exercising can profoundly reduce stress. An increase in your heart rate while exercising can produce norepinephrine, a neurohormone that increases the mood and the capability of clear thinking during stressful events. Exercise can reverse your stress- induced brain and increase its ability to respond to stressful events. 2. Reduces depression and anxi

7 Common habits that everyone should avoid| The Not to-do list

       A not-to-do list is basically a list of habits that you can avoid doing. The reason is very simple, knowing what not to do determines what you can do.         Below are the seven common habits that everyone can avoid for being more productive with their to-do list: 1. Trying to do everything                          Prioritize the most important tasks from your to-do list and work on it sequentially. Say, your to-do list has 10 tasks for the day. But upon careful consideration, only 2 out of 10 tasks are really important and will contribute to your day.   Now, just focus completely on finishing the 2 tasks. In the book Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time , the author Brain Tracy talks about the 80/20 rule. That is, 20% of the tasks in your to-do list account for 80% of the value. So don’t try to do everything that is on your to-do list. Just concentrate on the most important ones. 2. Not having clear goa

7 reasons why being single is better than a bad relationship

7 reasons why being single is better than a bad relationship    Most of the world believes that being in a relationship will make you whole; having a life partner and successful marriage as the ultimate goal of life. But, what is the point of becoming whole when being in a bad relationship?    Your life's goal is not to end up in a marriage but to live happily. Studies say that being single can be more fulfilling than being in a bad relationship. A wrong person ruins your life. It is ok to feel lost after a breakup but you have to get back as soon as possible because being single will have a lot more adventures than in a boring/bad relationship. 1. You will start enjoying your own company       Being single doesn't mean that you are lonely. Understand that there is a huge difference between being alone and lonely. Sometimes, being alone can be very calming and relaxing. You will have opportunities to explore yourself. You will do things that you feel

5 signs that you need a career change NOW | Signs of an unfulfilling career

5 signs that you need a career change NOW | Signs of an unfulfilling career     Choosing your career is an important part of your life. Most of us, choose our career paths early in our life. Only after traveling for some years in a particular career, we tend to realize that this is not meant for us.     It is always good that you have a job to pay your bills and be secure. But, is your life only meant to pay bills and die? Studies say that the average person spends about 50 years working. It means it is almost 65% of your life revolves around your job.    A career  change can be scary and risky. But, ask yourself is it worth the risk? You need to explore yourself to find your hidden talents. Your real area of interest. Talk to people who are already working in your desired job. You have to go out and seek the career you want. After all, change is the only constant and life is to explore.    If you are reading this, there are chances that you might also feel unsati

Why you should stop playing PUBG? | Mental illness due to game addiction

     PUBG aka Players Unknown Battle Ground is the most popular game worldwide. PUBG is also known for its addictiveness. People who claim to play PUBG say that it is really difficult to give up the game. Some video games may enhance problem-solving skills and develop multi-tasking whereas violent games like PUBG will disrupt the mental health of the player.      The source of addiction for all the games is the adrenaline it gives when winning the game and moving to the next level. PUBG's core adrenaline is from standing as the last player in the game and winning the chicken dinner. Also, the other important nature of this game that makes it addictive is the human connection with other players.     Paul Ohri, the chief editor at Momspresso says that "Because you are playing with real people and can interact with them, players, especially children, lose the distinction between real and virtual. Ultimately there is a huge effect on the mental health of the child. T

10 effective ways to overcome stress

       Nowadays, stress has become a part of everyday life. In today's world, you have to overdo everything to earn survival. As a result of the pressure you are subjected to, you become extremely stressful sometimes.      You have to understand that it is okay to be stressed sometimes. It is natural. Everyone is stressed. You no need to think that you are suffocating and the world is watching you drown.      Below are some effective methods that will help you to overcome stress    1. Make exercise a part of your daily activity             Building up the habit of exercising regularly will bring you tremendous results both internally and externally. Find out which type of physical activity you are in and follow it. It may be running, yoga, Zumba or anything that makes you feel good. Just find it and incorporate that into your routine. It is also known that exercising will release dopamine hormones to your brain. This dopamine hormone induces happy feelings

How to Overcome Breakup : 5 tips to heal a broken heart

How to Overcome Breakup: 5 tips to heal a broken heart      Breakup is despair and it will suck you into negativity. Every one of us would have crossed paths with a breakup  at least once in our lifetime. Initially, it is really hard to face our daily life when hit hard by a bad break up but as days go by you will eventually move on. The breakup scar will remain with you for a lifetime but the wound will heal and you will learn to move on with life.   Why is it so hard to overcome a breakup? To forget the person who hurt you so much?      It is because Love is a drug. It is an addiction. “Functional brain scans have shown that love is a form of addiction,” says Guy Winch, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, and author of  How To Fix a Broken Heart . “We get used to having a certain substance, and that substance is a person and the relationship in our lives. Then during ‘withdrawal,’ we get desperate and act out of character, similar to how a drug addict behaves.”    Stud

Real life law of attraction success stories | Celebrity success story

Real-life law of attraction success stories Jim Carrey             Jim Carrey is a Canadian-American comedian, actor, and producer. He credits the Law of Attraction for helping him achieve the success he has today.            During 1987 he had nothing with him. Jim was broke. But still, he believed that he would have all that he desired one day. He also said to himself as "I have so many things to do. It is all out there, I just have to get a hold of it            He also started acting as if he had a million-dollar with him. He said, "I wrote myself a check for $10 million for acting services rendered and I gave myself 3 years. I dated it Thanksgiving 1995 and I put it in my wallet and it deteriorated and deteriorated. Then, just before Thanksgiving 1995, I found out that I was going to make $10 million on Dumb and Dumber." Jim Carrey Law of Attraction and 10 Million Dollar Check - Arnold Schwarzenegger          

10 books to start reading | Reading books

Reading is a great habit to have a successful, peaceful and smart lifestyle.   There are profound benefits to developing your reading habit . Below are the 10 books that can help you fuel your reading habit 1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho                                      This story is about a Shepherd boy from Spain whose name is Santiago. He encounters the dream about treasures that are lying inside the Pyramids of Egypt repeatedly. One day, he goes to the town to sell some of his flock. At that time he came across a tramp-king and a gypsy woman. They urge him to ‘follow his omens’ and leave the world he knows. The gypsy points him toward the pyramids of Egypt, where she says he will find treasure. Santiago crosses the Mediterranean and Sahara to find his treasures in Egypt. Along the way, he meets many spiritual messengers, who come in unassuming forms such as a camel driver and a well-read Englishman. He learns a whole lot of new things from everyone he met and he