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10 effective ways to overcome stress

      Nowadays, stress has become a part of everyday life. In today's world, you have to overdo everything to earn survival. As a result of the pressure you are subjected to, you become extremely stressful sometimes.

     You have to understand that it is okay to be stressed sometimes. It is natural. Everyone is stressed. You no need to think that you are suffocating and the world is watching you drown.

     Below are some effective methods that will help you to overcome stress

  1. Make exercise a part of your daily activity

            Building up the habit of exercising regularly will bring you tremendous results both internally and externally. Find out which type of physical activity you are in and follow it. It may be running, yoga, Zumba or anything that makes you feel good. Just find it and incorporate that into your routine. It is also known that exercising will release dopamine hormones to your brain. This dopamine hormone induces happy feelings to your brain. So, exercising can help you regain your thoughts and to get going with your life.

2. Take a break 

             When you feel that you are overburdened with all those files, paperwork's and calls you should just press the pause button and take a break. Deadlines may be important but what is more important is your mental health. If you take good care of your mental health you can be 2X productive in your work.
             Taking a break doesn't always necessarily mean that you have to go on vacation, (however, going on a holiday is really a good stress-buster) you can just be at home Netflixing. Switch off your phone and social media and have time for yourself. You will wonder how much turning off your mobile phone can help you overcome stress.

3. Manage your time

              Not enough time and doing important tasks at the last moment will increase your stress level. So, always allot time for your tasks for the whole day on the previous day night. This will help your brain to organize more efficiently and will also increase your level of focus.
             Just allotting time for specific tasks will not help you. You have to segregate the tasks based on the priority. Like, the most priority, moderate and least priority ones. This effective to-do will help you keep track of how valuable you are using your time. This will help you to eliminate time-based stress.

4. Don’t be perfect

          Striving for perfectionism is foolish. There is nothing and no one out there who is perfect. When you try to be perfect at everything you do, you tend to put so much pressure on yourself. If you perform a task, you will want it to be perfect as a result, you will tend to overdo it multiple times which will lead to stress. The same goes for your personal life. You want your life to be perfect, when you cannot be perfect you start to hate yourself for not meeting your standards. Everything has imperfections. You have to accept your flaws and learn to embrace it. In fact, sometimes imperfections are what adds flavor to your life.

5. Listen to music

Music of certain frequencies are said to help in reducing stress levels.
You can also listen to empowering and happy songs when you are in stress. It will surely boost
your mood and help you cope up with life. Music is really a wonderful stress buster. We should be blessed to be able to hear and experience music. So make use of this tremendous gift and overcome any kind of stress by just tuning in to your favorite album.

6. Do what you love

          You can overcome stress by just doing what you love. When I am stressed I always watch good movies. After watching a really good movie I feel energized and good to go with my life. In the same manner, you might have something that makes you feel good at times of distress. It may be going for a walk, reading, painting, doodling or anything. You have to just figure out that one activity which is your stress savior and practice it in times when you are really low.

7. Write it down


         Writing what causes you stress is really a good way of eliminating it. You are stressed because you have huge emotional baggage that is weighing you down. It is hard and claustrophobic. An effective way to unwind this baggage is to write it down. When you give a physical form to your stress by writing it down, your mind calms down. Now it has transferred its weight into a paper. Now, you should burn the paper or tear it into pieces. Just burn your stress away. Trust me you will feel much better after doing this exercise!

8. Relax/ practice yoga 

         Yoga is a science. It has so many asanas that help you reduce stress. You can just practice these simple asanas and stretch yourself to drain your stress out. Stress usually tightens your muscles and brings tension over the body. Yoga helps you relax your muscles and ease your pain. Practicing yoga will help you to cope up with stress more effectively.

 9. Stop intake of any drugs 

        So many people out there think that stress will calm down if you smoke or drink. But, the reality is that nicotine, alcohol or any type of drug increases stress-inducing hormones. So, even when you are extremely stressed please never intake any form of drugs.

 10. Talk to a friend/ therapist/ counselor or coach

     There is no other effective way to overcome stress than talking your stress out. Don’t just stack your stress inside and burden yourself. Talk it out. Talk to someone you trust, might be a friend, spouse or parent. If you feel that you want to anonymous about your problems there are trained professionals out there who are ready to help you. Go to a counseling session. Talk it out to the counselor. If you are at a serious level of stress problem I strongly recommend you to schedule a session with a counselor/therapist/coach. You will never know how much you can gain from taking the session. It is always better to talk it out to someone and get it sorted than carrying your emotional baggage with you all through your life.


  1. Listening Music is my favorite way also and I really liked this post. But sometimes stress dietary supplements can works more better and gives so effective results.


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