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Showing posts from May, 2020

Why is commitment important in life?

Commitment is a crucial need for succeeding in the long term. Recall a time when you succeeded in something. How much were you committed to that goal? Rate your commitment from a scale of 1 - 10. I am sure that your commitment level would have been more than 8. In every aspect of your life, commitment plays a great role. You need a commitment to a relationship to live a happy life with your partner. You require a commitment to your work, to reach higher goals. You need a commitment to your personal development to elevate the level of life you live. To succeed in anything, there are three prerequisites. Goal Action Commitment   A goal will give you direction and will put you on the right path. Taking action will increase your probability to achieve your goal. Taking action will also infuse motivation into you. Commitment will help you keep going in spite of all the setbacks and failures. It will help you reach the ultimate goal. Having a goal and tak

10 Things that going broke will teach you

At a point in time, every middle-class person who is working hard to meet ends and keeps up the pace faces a situation where he/she would have gone completely broke. Broke is different from losing money. Broke is having only 1000 rupees in your bank account while you have 15 long days to go for the next payday. Being broke teaches you so many things. I have been broke, having nothing in my hand, losing money and being frustrated to the extreme. One day, I was surfing an e-commerce website and found a product I really wanted to buy, It cost around 500 rs. I then ordered it without even checking my bank account. My payment got canceled. I was wondering why it got canceled, and then I checked my bank account. My balance was -351. I was shocked and I let that sink in for a bit. That night, I did not sleep, I was scared of my future. I don’t want to live with the fear of not having enough money for the rest of my life. That is when I became an Action taker. Being broke has be

10 Ways to handle Perfectionism

Perfectionists are the people who beat up themselves to achieve higher. It is hard to be aa perfectionist. If you recognize yourself as a perfectionist, you may know how difficult your life is. Perfectionist consider themselves as high achievers. But, according to psychology that is not the case. Perfectionist and high achievers differ in so many ways. High achievers always aim for excellence and they also learn from their mistakes. Whereas, on the other hand, perfectionists aim for perfection in everything they do. Mostly, Perfectionists aim for accuracy in the work they do. They tend to sacrifice their health and relationships to maintain perfectionism in their work. They also overdo the work they have. To be frank, the world is in entropy. Nothing in this world is perfect and stable. Look around you and see how many things are imperfect. I am sure that you will find at least a dozen things that are imperfect. If you search for perfectionism you will always find

5 Ways to develop Empathy

According to me Empathy is the most needed skill in anything you do. Be it in your work, home, personal relationships, or anything. Empathy can make you more humane. I always love understanding people and helping them out. But, I had one major drawback - I was short-tempered and had a very bad anger management. This is the one habit I really wanted to change in me. The one thing that helped me with my anger issues is empathy. Empathy helped me calm down when someone did not understand me. Empathy is a great habit to develop. It has made magic in my life. I am more calm and peaceful nowadays. Empathy is understanding other person's feelings. It is standing in their shoes and sinking into their skin. Empathy is processing the other person's feelings to understand how and why they are behaving in a particular manner. Suppose, say you are married. One day, your partner is coming home from work agitated and angry. They don’t speak normally with you. They don

7 Tips to say 'NO' effectively!

Most of us feel like saying 'NO' will hurt someone's feelings. I am one of that kind. It was very hard for me to say "NO" to anything. I am a go-to person for all my friends. They have any problem, the next person they come is to me. They would vent out all that they have and return light-hearted. Most of the time I will feel that I had helped someone with their feelings. That would give me a kind of happiness. But, sometimes I will be left overwhelmed. See, no matter how much I am happy and colorful, I also have my bad and worse days. After all, I am a human being. We all have our ups and downs. Somedays, I would already be in a very low mood, when someone would suddenly call or text and start talking about their problems. And, I never stopped them. So, adding on to my pressure I also end up hearing others' problems. This would drain me out. I never stopped people because I thought it would be rude. Somedays were too hard for me to digest

How to let go to live a more growth oriented and peaceful life?

Most of us think that happiness lies in accumulating the positive. We try to set out for a voyage to find a better life while carrying a bag of unwanted sorrows with us. No matter how far we go in search of happiness, we will never find it until and unless we let go of our bag of sorrow. "Letting go" is more easy said than done. It is a very simple way to have a happy mind yet a very powerful one. Letting go is not forgetting a painful memory, it is not just erasing something from your mind. Letting go does not work like that. Trying to forget or erase a memory will not work most often. Because, you will actually not forget the memory but you will suppress it. Suppressing a negative thought might be a relief for the short term. But, in the long run it is obviously a problem. So, most effective and efficient way to live a happy life is not in avoiding the negative but in letting go of it. Letting go is nothing but not giving your power to that f

10 Tips from millionaires on how to become financially successful

Mostly, every one of us wants to be financially independent. Let's not put down the fact that we need money for everything. Money is a stepping stone for your financial freedom. One day or the other, we all would have dreamed of becoming rich and not worrying about money. All of us want to retire early and enjoy our life with financial freedom. But, let's be straight! Nothing is going to happen if you don’t work hard enough. Many people just want to become rich by doing nothing. Do you think money is going to fly and land on your lap? No right! You have to put in work. Millionaires tell that not only work is appreciated when trying to become wealthy but also so many other factors that influence your growth and stability as a wealthy person. I have clubbed these factors and have presented below as the most important 10 tips to follow. 1. Read Read Read Warren Buffett  says he  reads  a minimum of five to six hours a day. He  reads  from books, hundred