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Showing posts from April, 2020

The No.1 habit to give up to lead a peaceful life | How to be Non-Judgmental

As human beings, brought up in this world of differences we tend to easily and unconsciously judge others. I have also been judgmental, I have judged people based on their looks, the way they dress, the way they behave and all. Actually, we all tend to judge others in one way or the other. Someone might have worn dirty clothes, we might say "Eww. He looks so untidy, he must be a lazy fellow", When we see a girl a little chubby we say "She is so fat, she must eat so much of chips", When someone loses their temper, we judge them by saying "He is so rude, he should be a psychopath". Have you also said some statements like this? I bet some of you should have! In reality, that girl you called might have some problem with her health, that guy you called a psychopath might be depressed. We really know right? And, you know what judging not only hurts the one being judged but also the one who is judging. Every thought has an energy and as y

Rags to Riches: Stories of successful people who raised from nothing.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam  We all need no introduction to our lovable late Kalam sir. I decided to write about Abdul Kalam first because rags to riches does not mean being from 0 rupees to a million rupee. The term states that how someone from a very humble background can grow into a lovable person respected by everyone irrespective of all the differences we hold. His admirable charisma and a pure heart made him the 'People's president' of India. Our dear Kalam sir was not someone who was born with a silver spoon. He was the youngest child in his family. In his school years, Kalam had average grades but was described as a bright and hardworking student who had a strong desire to learn. He spent hours on his studies, especially mathematics. He also sold newspapers to help his family meet ends. Kalam is a great example for how someone from not a well to do family, rise and shine and become nation's president. His hard work, wisdom and the love for kno

11 Interesting Facts About Your Unconscious Mind

Our unconscious mind is a tool of magic which lies sheathed from our immediate conscious awareness. It acts like an undercover magician who is controlling our whole life without even knowing to us. The subconscious mind  is our bigger better half. It governs us. But still most of us are not even aware its power and capability. Once we harness the power of the subconscious mind, we will be able to bring out tremendous changes in our lives. All the successful people you know, are successful only because they had tapped into the power of our mind. Below are some of the interesting facts you might like to get started with the power of our subconscious mind. 1 .  The subconscious mind is a huge storage system Every one of your memory is stored inside our huge memory bank - the subconscious mind. Right from your first birthday, everything is stored and is ready to be retrieved. It is a huge memory bank. By the time a human reaches the age of 21, the

7 effective ways to overcome self-criticism

You are your greatest motivator and criticizer. The highest form of motivation and criticism comes from your within. Self-criticism is a process where you degrade your own abilities. You punish yourself with harsh words that you will never dare to rage on even on your worst enemy. Mostly, your self-criticizing thoughts are automatic thoughts. Which means that they are unconscious thoughts. They occur to you naturally like breathing. When you have too much self-criticizing unconscious thoughts, your life will sink down and all your dreams might go in vain. I have undergone the same emotional trauma because of self-criticizing thoughts. I thought I was of no use, I am worthless, I am ugly and all sorts of nonsense. My life was dark like a tunnel with no end. Once I started changing my unconsci ous, automatic thoughts that self-sabotaged me, my tunnel had a light with vision. It was coming from darkness to light. 1. Pay attention to your thoughts

10 Reasons why goal setting is important

Goal setting has given a new perspective on my life. I used to be someone who had no goal or purpose in life. I just followed the herd. I did not know what my interest where. What am I good at doing or anything. I could have won the first place in lazy ass competition, you see :p My life was directionless and vague. It was boring. But once, I got hold of what and how goal-setting works. My life turned out to be better. It is really important to have a goal in life - professional or personal. You have to plan your life. You should direct your life the way you want it. By just setting some valid goals and working on it, you can really align your life to greater success and prosperity. 1.  Goals give you direction Without goals, life is just a series of incidents. You just flow with life like a log floating on the river. The piece of wood flows and changes its direction according to the current of the river. It goes where the river takes, to a