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Showing posts from March, 2020

Tips to exercise your brain to avoid lazy thinking

Most of the decisions we take are dominated by our unconscious mind. It means that we are making decisions without our own influence. Even though your unconscious mind works 24/7 tirelessly, keeping all your organs operating, it is lazy. So it chooses the path of least resistance. As 95% of your decisions are controlled by your subconscious, it will always direct you to be lazy in whatever you do. How to control your subconscious mind? You have to put some effort to control it. Rather, you can trick your unconscious. Basically, your conscious mind is an interface of the tremendous brain. You can consciously control some of your actions which in turn will have an imprint on your unconscious mind and then it will start to act accordingly. For example, if you chose to lose weight, your subconscious mind wouldn't encourage it. It does not like effort. So if you tend to obey your subconscious, then you might end up skipping the gym and eating chips while watching

Who is a coach? What I do as a mindset coach?

All the successful people in the world have a personal coach. Having a coach is really important to drive your life to more success and peace. In today's world full of distractions and prejudice, a coach/counselor is someone who is trained to help you cope up with your daily life actively. He/she might help you with your problems and mental health. My motto as a mindset coach is to help people unleash their true potential to lead an amazing life. This life is worth living. The human being is the most advanced creature in the whole universe, as far as we know. Your mind is magic. It is capable of doing wonders for your life if correctly applied. A supercomputer/robot cannot be compared to the one-billionth of your brain. Your brain is the fastest working super-duper computer. But, we are so much accustomed to using it very limitedly. A coach will help you kindle your hidden potential to bring the most out of you. Our words build our world. It means that whatever you talk

How journaling can change your life?

Journaling has taken me to the next step in my life. Basically, I was lazy and unorganized. I had so many plans but was never able to execute. And then one of my very good friends recommended me journaling. I took the recommendation seriously and started to incorporate journaling into my daily life. And you know what, my organizational skills and productivity jumped to its peak. Journaling can help you in myriad ways. Keeping a daily journal is basically a self-care routine. First of all, a journal is not a diary, it is not a place where you record your day to day activities. Journal is something where you talk to yourself through words. I usually used to write down my problems and different perspectives with which I can solve the problem and then make a decision. Some of the important decisions of my life have been taken this way and it proved to be effortlessly effective. You can also write down your plan to achieve a goal and put down an effective road map

10 must read personal development books

Right book at the right time can change your life. Books are our forever mentors. It is important for one to develop the habit of reading. Books can come to rescue at any time and therefore you should be ready to welcome one. Below are the top 10 personal development books that are a must-read.   #1. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle This book by the German-born spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle is a perfect introduction to the world of non-duality and meditation. Now over 20 years old, the book remains a best-seller because of it’s easy to absorb lessons and messages. If you are looking to embark on a journey towards a more profound sense of peace and away from pain and attachment, this is the place to start.                      Click here to buy the book #2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey First published in 1989, this book is a classic of personal-development literature. Steven Covey teaches you an effective method to achieve goals that are

Who is the winner? You or your mind?

Our mind is a mystic. As much as there is a positive side for it, it also has a negative side. First, let me tell you a story of Tutu and kuttu, the twin dogs which belongs to a village in India. Even though these dogs are twins, they both differ so much in their characteristics. Tutu safeguards the village, it never allows any other dog to enter into the village, it loves everyone in the village and is kind whereas kuttu is arrogant, it bites all the kids that are playing and always barks unnecessarily. These villagers loved tutu and hated kuttu. They also started feeding tutu more and taking care of it as if their own pet. On the other side, kuttu was fed very less and was not given any importance. As a result of this, the kind tutu started being more favorable to its caretakers and kuttu became very week to even bark. We all have tutu and kuttu within us. It all depends on who we feed the most. If you feed the positive personality more, you will a positive person with all t

7 steps to make career switch the right way

Career is not just a mere work we do to get paid. It is the most important part of our life. Moreover, the career path we chose, chooses our lifestyle in turn. You may want to be an entrepreneur, but if you are stuck at a 9 to 5 then your ideal life and the current life might not align and this will be a major cause of stress and anxiety. Most people suffer from anxiety when they are not in their desired job. They work for half of their life only to realize that this is not what they wanted. The suffering of 'What next?' and the regret of not trying what you wanted will result in terrible anxiety. This may also result in less productivity in your current job. It is always good to know what you want and put your efforts in that direction. Remember, everything is possible if you set your mind on it. If your passion is really important to you, you will find a way to do it no matter what crisis you face. Reasons such as financially weak or not so good at it are just me

What is Anxiety? Symptoms of anxiety disorder?

Anxiety is excessive fear and stress about the future/daily activities. It is a very normal response to stressful life events like moving, changing jobs or having financial troubles. For any situation, there will be only two types of outcomes. One is positive and the other is negative. When you are anxious you will tend to focus only on the negative outcome. This might trigger fear which in turn turns into anxiety. Every one of us would have experienced anxiety at least once in our lives. Basically, anxiety comes and goes without causing much trouble. But, it becomes a trouble when it stays with you and is disrupting your daily activities. Anxiety might stay for months and even years making every single day a huge hurdle to cross. Fortunately, with proper medical guidance, one can overcome anxiety. Some people would prefer to go with medication while others would recommend therapy/counseling. Any mental disorder is as important or even more important than physical suff

How to change your mind to change your life?

The life we live currently is designed by our minds. Whether you accept it or not, everything you do or did is because of your mind. Our minds control our whole life. Do you often feel that your life is pathetic? Do you worry about always running out of money? It means that you have fed wrong instructions to your mind and it is leading you in the wrong way. Our mind is our asset. It is our responsibility to protect it. It is capable of yielding huge benefits to your life. The only thing you have to do is feed the right information. Read and implement the following ideas to change your mind which in turn will change your life. 1. Positive self-talk Our poor minds are imprisoned because of all the negativity we put into it. We become our worst criticizer. Self-talk has a lot to do with how your life is. If you keep on saying yourself that 'You are not capable', 'You are ugly', 'You are not good', then your life will become a replica of it. Not onl