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7 reasons why being single is better than a bad relationship

7 reasons why being single is better than a bad relationship

   Most of the world believes that being in a relationship will make you whole; having a life partner and successful marriage as the ultimate goal of life. But, what is the point of becoming whole when being in a bad relationship?

   Your life's goal is not to end up in a marriage but to live happily. Studies say that being single can be more fulfilling than being in a bad relationship. A wrong person ruins your life. It is ok to feel lost after a breakup but you have to get back as soon as possible because being single will have a lot more adventures than in a boring/bad relationship.

1. You will start enjoying your own company

     Being single doesn't mean that you are lonely. Understand that there is a huge difference between being alone and lonely. Sometimes, being alone can be very calming and relaxing. You will have opportunities to explore yourself. You will do things that you feel like doing and then you will start enjoying being alone.
     Once you fall in love with yourself it will be very easy to be alone. Perhaps, you will want to be alone because you might have realized you have no better company than yourself.

2. Being single will help you evaluate what you want and don't want in a relationship

     You probably don’t want a life partner like your ex. You will have time to evaluate what you like and what you do not like. Being single also gives the chance of dating others. By this, you can conclude what you want from your next partner and exclude what you do not want.

3. Freedom is everywhere

     One of the most awesome benefits of being single is the freedom. You no need to check in someone all the time and always remind them of where you are, whom you are with and so on.
     Now, you can have your own schedule, eat when you want. The whole bed is yours. You can hang out with your friends whenever you feel like. Being single gives control over your life. Freedom enables you to love yourself even more. It is really important to love yourself without the validation of any man/woman in your life.
     Relationship coach Lisa Schmidt says that "Nothing is sexier than a person who can handle their life"
     Being independent and taking care  of your own life will also attract new partners top your life.

4. You no need to regret

     You might want to badly hang out with your friends one night since one of your friends is going abroad and you are giving him a sendoff party. But, your partner does not want you to stay late night at parties. In such situations sometimes people tend to lie to their partners just to go out and have fun.
     Being single and free requires no one's permission to do what you want to do. You can do whatever you want without regret or guilt.

5. You have your self-esteem

      The wrong person will always hurt, disappoint or trigger your anger. If you always feel undervalued or not enough it means you are in a bad relationship. Yes, you have to give up your ego in a relationship to have a long-lasting one. But, if you know that you are in a bad relationship that is sucking the happiness out of you, you have to keep up your ego and self-esteem. It may seem selfish but it is required to grow and be happy.

6. You can put yourself first

      After coming out of a toxic relationship, you have plenty of time for yourself. You can pursue whatever you want. You can hit the gym regularly, take up a second job, make time for your passion and lot more. You have time to put yourself a priority. In that way, you can have time to explore your abilities.

7. Relationships don’t guarantee happiness

     Getting committed in a relationship will not make you happy. If you are searching for a partner just to make you feel happy. Please quit it right away. Because no one can guarantee happiness to you. The one person who can make you feel happy and good is you. Until and unless you are happy and contented with yourself no relationship/partner will make you feel happy. You have to be your whole and love yourself more.

Happy single life!


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