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Showing posts from June, 2020

7 Tips to handle negative Criticism from people

In today's era of social media, criticism, and bullying has become a top-notch issue. People have also become very sensitive to everything that is being said on social media. A single negative comment on your Instagram post would drain your whole energy for the day. Negative criticism will occupy the whole mind and people keep ruminating it over and over. Our mental health is damaged to a great extent that people even commit suicide for negative criticisms. Nowadays, it is all about pleasing people. We curl back if someone judges us or criticizes us. Our mental health is on stake because we are not taught to handle simple things like criticism. Basically, there are two types of criticisms - Constructive and destructive. Constructive criticism is something that encourages us to do better, it points out our mistakes so that we can correct them. Whereas, Negative criticism is something that tears us apart. For example, let's say you are posting a vid

7 Tips to start living your dream life!

All of us dream about having an ideal life surrounded by people and things we love. Some of us might love our present life while some desperately want it to change. In my experience, the vast majority of people are not satisfied with their current life. People want things to change. They want relationships to be rosy, money to be abundant, and life to be joyful. There is no harm in fantasizing to live a better life. But, the thing is your ideal life will remain a mere fantasy if you only keep dreaming without putting any action.  These 7 tips will act as a nudge to push you to actually LIVE your dream life. After all, it is one life and one chance! 1. Realization Realization is the key to any change. Just pause for a moment and ask yourself "Am I happy with this life?", " Do I love the job I do?", "Do I love the relationship I am in?". Be honest with yourself while answering these questions.  If something is not to your likely then please consider

5 Things to do when you feel like giving up

We have all been at a stage in life where we just felt like giving up and sinking down in the couch. In my past, I was a pro in giving up. I will start something with utmost enthusiasm but will tend to give up on that really soon. It was mostly because, I was lazy or I did not really like what I am doing. But, later on, I discovered that I was giving up mostly because I did not have a direction. I was always deviating from my purpose. I wish I had someone to tell me this earlier. Below are the 5 things that will help you when you feel like giving up. 1. Go back to 'Why?' I give up because I would have lost the purpose. Most of us tend to initiate a goal, relationship or something with a pure intention in our mind. However, when days go by we forget the true purpose of the goal and just follow it just for the sake of doing it. This will create a void in our motivation to achieve the goal. So, whenever you feel like giving up on something then just re

10 Powerful ways to stop Procrastination and getting things done

There will always be some undone work which keeps bothering our mind. Mostly we procrastinate unconsciously. We know that it is important to get things done, but we keep on postponing it without a strong reason. We don’t do things because we don’t feel like doing, it means we are just lazy. Our unconscious mind controls most of our life. It also has a grip on what we procrastinate on. As we already know our unconscious mind is lazy and it always finds short ways to get things done. It also likes postponing things just to feel relaxed in the short term. So, how do we bring conscious attention to our procrastination and get things done easily? 1. Why? To get a solution to any problem you must know what the problem is. So, you should first understand why you are procrastinating. Are you procrastinating because you are lazy? Are you procrastinating because you are afraid to do something? are you procrastinating because of your lack of belief? Or Are you procras

The best coaching tool to leverage your life | The Wheel of Life | Free online Wheel of Life Assessment

The best life is a balanced life. Every one of us wants a balanced life. We need to good at our career and at the same time available for our family. We need good health and wealth while having the best finances. Spending time with friends and enjoying our own company is something ideal for everyone. However, most of us are not living a balanced life. This imbalance creates chaos in our life. If we concentrate solely on our careers, our relationships will become spoiled. If we focus on having fun, our career will be on stake. Sometimes, we don’t even know where we are lacking and how to make our life balanced. This is where the wheel of life comes into the picture.   What is the wheel of life? The wheel of life shows how to bring balance in one's life. It actually acts like a self-reflection of how one is satisfied with their life. Wheel of life is often used as an important coaching tool to find the balance in life or to set goals.   How to use the wheel of life?  


Consistency is the key to success in life. Excellence comes when the actions in your work is not an act but truly a habit. Consistency paves way for new habits. And these habits are what builds a lifestyle. 1.   Appreciate Yourself   Feeling acknowledged or identified has a lot to do with one’s psyche. Nearly eighty-eight percent of the employees say that they will stay longer also long hours at their workplace when their work is appreciated. Starting to deal with the non-appreciating environment, appreciating yourself that is self-appreciation is very crucial. Once you identify what kind of appreciation is best suited for you, it is much easier for you to create the same feeling. When you are no longer deal with the lack of motivation and inspiration, you can gradually start communicating your feelings to others. 2 .  Investigate the root cause You should be certain if your requirement for appreciation is more of a hierarchical issue or a personal one.

10 ways to handle rejection

We all have faced rejection in our lives at some point. Be it a job, a relationship, or studies. Rejection actually hurts. We feel personal with it, we get into a lot of negative thoughts or feelings. We put ourselves down and start hating ourselves just because someone rejected us. Rejection stimulates emotional pain, which in turn produces physical pain (e.g., feeling your heart drop, obtaining a headache or feeling vertiginous, noticing a rising "fight or flight" sensation, etc.). One way to easily get out of rejection is to be prepared for it. This does not mean that you should have a pessimist approach to everything. It is just that it is always better to calculate the odds and be prepared for it. The better we tend to get at handling rejection, the less it affects us. Therefore how can you build yourself the ability to cope? Keep Things in Perspective Tell yourself: "Ok, I got rejected now. Perhaps next time, I am going to get a 'ye

What will the movie 'Pursuit of Happiness teach you?

"Pursuit of Happiness" is a must-watch movie. This story reflects in every individual's life. We watch random junk movies when we feel bored or when we find time in our daily calendar. All of a sudden, we just watch and forget. But, when it comes to " Pursuit of Happiness" it's something unique. It sticks in the minds of every individual. It might be for many other reasons. This is a kind of story that fascinates us long enough and gives us some eliciting ripples of indications and reflection. It teaches us some lessons and beyond. The title itself interprets the true meaning of the story.  Of course, each of us who watched this picture, have wished to feel like the characters in the movie, as it is so relieving to see how it works for them. But, it is a story that makes us feel that way. This is a truly emotional story that brings out the pain and hardship to build a life for his son and himself. This movie taught us how to live with our socie