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How to Overcome Breakup : 5 tips to heal a broken heart

How to Overcome Breakup: 5 tips to heal a broken heart

     Breakup is despair and it will suck you into negativity. Every one of us would have crossed paths with a breakup  at least once in our lifetime. Initially, it is really hard to face our daily life when hit hard by a bad break up but as days go by you will eventually move on. The breakup scar will remain with you for a lifetime but the wound will heal and you will learn to move on with life.

 Why is it so hard to overcome a breakup? To forget the person who hurt you so much?

     It is because Love is a drug. It is an addiction. “Functional brain scans have shown that love is a form of addiction,” says Guy Winch, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, and author of How To Fix a Broken Heart. “We get used to having a certain substance, and that substance is a person and the relationship in our lives. Then during ‘withdrawal,’ we get desperate and act out of character, similar to how a drug addict behaves.”

   Studies also say that the emotional pain you subject to when undergoing a break up may infuse physical pain to your body. Tor Wager, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at CU-Boulder said in a statement that the pain felt after a breakup “is real – neurochemically real.”

   A breakup can have profound negative effects both mentally and physically. Below are the few tips on how to handle breakup effectively

1. Do a virtual and physical detox.

      The first thing you have to do as soon as you break up is throw away everything that makes you remember your ex. The greetings, pictures, gifts, throw it away!

       Reorganize your living space. Change the bed covers and hangings. Buy some fresh flowers or succulents, shift your wardrobe. Organizing your physical environment will give your mind a sense of accomplishment and it will boost/change your mood.

       Do a social media detox. Block your ex from Instagram, Facebook, and every social platform. Unfriend/Unfollow all the mutual friends. Delete all the pictures and memories. Don’t post about your ex or how they cheated on you on the social platform because there will always be dozen of people coming to console you while all they do is fan the flames to your heartbreak.

2. Write down your pain and burn it

        This is one of the best ways to ease your anger and calm yourself down. Journal all that comes to your mind about your ex. Write it. List all the negative habits they had and write how much pain they have made you endure. Pour your heart into the paper.

         Now, take the paper and burn it into ashes or tear it into pieces. You will feel much lighter than ever.

 3. Be grateful even when things are going wrong

         Gratitude is an efficient way to increase your happiness even when you are in the phase of break up.

         When one of my friends went through a breakup, I advised her to do the same and she was able to come over it really efficiently.  You will never realize the power of gratitude unless you practice it.

          Just be grateful to your family, your job, for the food, there are plenty of people out there who are heartbroken because they don’t even have the basic amenities. See, you are privileged, you are blessed and it is just an end to the relationship, not the whole world!

4. Try 3 new places every week.

           Start going to new places every week. You can go alone or meet a friend there. It can be a café or perhaps a restaurant but it should be new.

          Avoid going to places that bring back your old memories. The environment can act as a key to our mental activity. Even if you are well and good after your breakup, visiting old places will take you to the scent of the time spent with your ex. Knowingly or unknowingly you will be pulled back into that void of breakup feelings.

5. Get a new hobby

          This is what helped me overcome my breakup. After I broke up, I started reading novels. I dwelled with them. I was so lost into those stories that I completely forgot what happened in my life and started living a normal life.

          One more really effective hobby you can acquire when in the breakup phase is exercising. Working out is not only good for your body but it is also good for your brain. Exercising releases serotonin which is the happiness-inducing hormone to your brain. This will increase your good mood and you will eventually forget your ex and move on.

After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea!



  1. Thank you very much Priest manuka. i never thought any thing could make my husband come back to me as his wife again, after he broke up with me and left to settle down with another woman who never Knew how we both suffered and share feelings together, thank God today i was lucky to see this great spell caster on a site after seeing a lots of testimony and good work he have done in the lives of people helping them to get their ex husbands and wives renewing their relationship i was convinced and i contacted him and just in 7 days after the spell was caste my beloved husband came looking for me and right now we are together again and he is taking care of me and the little kids as his responsibilities and family. Once again thank you here are his contact to reach him. or


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