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Consistency is the key to success in life. Excellence comes when the actions in your work is not an act but truly a habit. Consistency paves way for new habits. And these habits are what builds a lifestyle.

1. Appreciate Yourself

 Feeling acknowledged or identified has a lot to do with one’s psyche. Nearly eighty-eight percent of the employees say that they will stay longer also long hours at their workplace when their work is appreciated.

Starting to deal with the non-appreciating environment, appreciating yourself that is self-appreciation is very crucial. Once you identify what kind of appreciation is best suited for you, it is much easier for you to create the same feeling. When you are no longer deal with the lack of motivation and inspiration, you can gradually start communicating your feelings to others.

2Investigate the root cause

You should be certain if your requirement for appreciation is more of a hierarchical issue or a personal one.

According to recent research, fifty-nine percent of the employees say, being recognized for their accomplishments make them feel like one with the workplace. By examining the root cause of the issue, it will surely help you to judge yourself. By doing so, you can determine if you need to work on it yourself, or if you need others to help with problem-solving.

 If things do not improve after the significant efforts, then it is very crucial to figure out a different way to solve the misconception. Finding out if the problem has to do something with the organizational culture, team, or yourself will help to tackle and solve the issue in a more focused way.

3. Evaluating the performance 

Workers who feel that they are recognized quite enough for their work are half as likely to leave the company as compared to those who feel that they are not appreciated. To know whether you are adequately recognized or not, you must first evaluate your contribution to helping your team and achieve its business goals. Consider the output and figures to compare your current performance with the past one. This type of assessment for analyzing will help you further your discussions with the manager regarding the issue. 

4. Appreciating Others

A positive and vibrant work environment is the key to achieving greater efficiency. A positive working environment is a must for a company’s productivity. You must analyze the root cause, understand your expectations in terms of work. At the same time, you share your thoughts and aspects in terms of appreciation.

 Admit the need for recognition in others and respond to it whenever there is an opportunity to express. Sincerely appreciating other’s achievements will help you create an open channel, that is beneficial and very much essential for you as well as your teammates.

5. Knowing the need 

No one can get hyped up by the same things. Workers get identified by the opportunities they get for their career growth in the form of recognition and pay-raise rewards. Knowing which adds up the most effective form of recognition for you is an important prerequisite so that you can convey the same to those who you seek recognition from. 

6. Assisting Suggestions 

It is always very good and essential to add your suggestions when you bring up a problem. Workers feel that they do not have any standard work of the recognition process in the place. Sharing your view of thoughts for a good system recognizes the work of the employees. You should come up with innovative and crafty ideas while discussing ways to improve recognition at the workplace.

Getting recognized at work is nothing but a two-way process. It’s very crucial to focus on the areas where you need to develop and also communicate with your superiors when you deserve more than what you get. Working on your way makes it easy to achieve what you seek from your workplace and can help you solve the disappointment stemming from a lack of recognition. This will help you grow up personally as well.

It usually takes a few consistent actions to change the way you show up in this world. If you need some support and motivation in identifying the goals, executing a plan. When you need support to stay consistent, one must feel free to set up an individual plan that pushes them towards staying consistent and motivated.

It’s quite difficult to be consistent as we tend to focus mainly on the outcome rather more than the process. The other way, we are more drawn towards the positive feelings of outcomes rather than the struggles of the journey. It is always necessary that we need people and examples that will make us remember about the little secret of consistency. Take your mind off of your phone and laptop sometimes and have a look around. The types of success stories all around will make reflect on your results. 



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