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The No.1 habit to give up to lead a peaceful life | How to be Non-Judgmental

As human beings, brought up in this world of differences we tend to easily and unconsciously judge others. I have also been judgmental, I have judged people based on their looks, the way they dress, the way they behave and all.

Actually, we all tend to judge others in one way or the other. Someone might have worn dirty clothes, we might say "Eww. He looks so untidy, he must be a lazy fellow", When we see a girl a little chubby we say "She is so fat, she must eat so much of chips", When someone loses their temper, we judge them by saying "He is so rude, he should be a psychopath". Have you also said some statements like this? I bet some of you should have!

In reality, that girl you called might have some problem with her health, that guy you called a psychopath might be depressed. We really know right?

And, you know what judging not only hurts the one being judged but also the one who is judging.

Every thought has an energy and as you all know what goes from you comes back to you in some way. When you keep on putting negative judgmental energy out, guess what you will be judges as well.

Being Non-judgmental increases your level of serenity and peace. You know that the whole universe is full of flaws and you can never expect someone to be perfect based on your standards, right?

When you lower your expectations on how others should behave you automatically reduce your judgmental attitude.

You  judge someone because you have those characteristics

There is a saying known as 'Perception is projection'. Whatever you see in others should be present in you or else you might not be able to see that in others.

For example, have you been depressed that everything you see seems more depressing. You may see rain and feel 'how pathetically uncomfortable it is to rain'. In the same way, you might find someone frustrating only because "the frustration" is present in you.

So, the next time whenever you judge someone bring in the fact that you are judging them because you have that character inside you somewhere.

Remember, you can only see what you know. You know the frustration, you know laziness that is why you judge that other one as "lazy" or a "psychopath".


Catch yourself judging. When you know that you are judging someone, pause, and reflect.

Ask yourself a question of why you are judging them and observe your thoughts. Mostly, your judgmental attitude is illogical. You might not even know that. Just by asking some questions, you might be able to throw light on your illogical attitude.

Suppose, you are judging someone based on their clothes. Stop and ask yourself "Why should someone be judged because of the clothes they wear? What if they had a poor financial situation? Should a piece of cloth determine a person's worth? Do they have to be perfect and up to my standards?"

Questions will help you ponder and you will find the right answer there!

Avoid Stereotyping

One of the major reasons for judging people is because you stereotype them. You or the society would create some imaginable rules and force them on people to follow. If people are following their hearts instead of your rules, then you judge them.

A great example is LGBT marriages/relationships. Society thinks that is not acceptable. But, really is it? In this world, no one is bound to please anyone. They can do what they wish to do. And stereotyping people based on your attitude and beliefs is unacceptable.


The solution for living a nonjudgmental life is by developing empathy.

Empathy will help you to look through the other person's eyes. When you understand the other person's world, you will naturally develop respect for them. This will help in reducing judging.

Empathy will also enhance your quality of life. It will also help you develop perspective. You will understand the different perspective from which the world works.

Love yourself

If you are judging others, then it is more likely that you judge yourself more.

You judge yourself by the way you look, feel and think. You might also be hard on yourself.

If you develop much self-love then, it would be easier for you. First, you will stop judging yourself. Secondly it will help you reduce your judgmental attitude. As a result, you can live a whole and fulfilled life.


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