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10 Reasons why goal setting is important

Goal setting has given a new perspective on my life.

I used to be someone who had no goal or purpose in life. I just followed the herd. I did not know what my interest where. What am I good at doing or anything.

I could have won the first place in lazy ass competition, you see :p

My life was directionless and vague. It was boring.

But once, I got hold of what and how goal-setting works. My life turned out to be better.

It is really important to have a goal in life - professional or personal.

You have to plan your life. You should direct your life the way you want it. By just setting some valid goals and working on it, you can really align your life to greater success and prosperity.

1. Goals give you direction

Without goals, life is just a series of incidents. You just flow with life like a log floating on the river. The piece of wood flows and changes its direction according to the current of the river. It goes where the river takes, to an alley or a dungeon.

In the same way, when you don't have a persistent goal you just go with life. Life and its tantrums take control over you.

When you have a concrete goal, your life changes its direction towards that goal. Now you have the row of your boat and you are rowing where you want to go.

Even if you have control over the boat, you should know where to direct it, right? If you don't know where you are going, your boat might even get in stuck in the swirls of wind and lose its stability.

 That is where the goal part comes in. You have a destination and you know how to get there. You know the direction, you know the outcome. You have a goal and you are smashing it!

2. Setting goals increases hope and confidence

When you know that you have control over your life, you will automatically feel confident about it.

For example, you are in middle school. One day, your teacher comes to the class and starts asking questions about the chapter taught in the previous class. Now, if you know the answer you will be confident and fearless. If you don't know the answer, you would probably hide your head from the teacher.

In the same way, when you know where you are headed, your self-confidence peaks up. You have a new ray of hope and courage.

Life is a vehicle and your goal is the destination. When you know the destination you will be calm and confident about reaching it. When you don't know the destination, you will be simply lost.

3. Goals make you accountable for your failure

Accountability is a treasure of goal setting.

When you know any failure that you face, is only because of you then you will be an extreme phase of learning.

Most of us, blame others/circumstances for our failure. This actually makes us weak. We have given the power to defeat us to others.

What makes us strong is the responsibility we take over our losses.

Responsibility is nothing but your ability to respond. When you are stuck in a situation, it is your responsibility to come over it. You have a goal and you should take charge over it.

Accountability makes you stronger and capable to fight against all the odds to attain the goal

4. Goals help us to measure progress

Goal setting is not just a desire.

You cannot set goals like "I want to earn more money", " I want a loving relationship". There is a proper method to set goals (Check this post to know more about proper goal setting)

You should also revisit your goals weekly and monthly. When you have your goal setting properly congruent with your goals then you will be able to measure the obvious progress of your growth.

When you know you are growing, you will attain more confidence in reaching that goal.

5. Goals help you stay motivated

 As I said you, I was too lazy to get up and do anything because I actually had nothing to do.

I have stayed in bed all day, eating, dozing, dreaming everything in bed. I did not know what to do with life!

Goal setting really helped me to be more productive. Since I had a goal and a timeline posted to it, I felt really motivated to reach it.

Having a goal helped me to get out of my bed and do something with my life.

6. Goals defeat procrastination


When I started writing what I wanted, I started finding routes to reach there. I overcame procrastination just by writing out my goals.

Procrastination has been my worst enemy. I would really want to get up and do something, but I always kept procrastinating.

I thought that I needed motivation to get up and do things. Since I did not get my dose of motivation I never moved my ass.

Remember, if you wait for motivation to come and caress your hair and lift you up from the bed. Then you will die in your bed doing nothing.

Action follows motivation. That motivation results in more massive action.

I procrastinated because I had no clue what to do when. I was scared of doing things.

Once, I started setting some worthy goals of my interest, I started putting effort like never before. I had worked one month long without any rest days. I was so much motivated because of the action I put in.

7. Goals make the impossible, possible

Goals have the power of breaking your belief of impossible.

When you set a goal, you will be all pumped up and motivated. But the key is to stay motivated throughout the process.

Sometimes, you will feel that it is impossible for you to even achieve that goal. You will feel that the goal is over your standards.

But, you will keep pushing because of the bigger picture you have set.

Once you start your goal-getting voyage with full preparation, there is no stopping. You will have your clear road map laid before you, you will know where you are heading to. It is obvious that you will face fears and odds. But once you keep going in spite of all that you face, you would have crossed all the "impossible factors" you feared.

You will understand that anything is possible if you have your heart on it and if you keep going against all the odds.

8. Goals will help you find the real you

You may not be sure about what you want and you might also set a wrong goal.

When you chase a wrong goal, you will not feel motivated, you will just feel drained. You will not feel that you are doing what you have to be doing.

When you don't have a positive feeling about your goal. Then, Stop.

Revisit your goal, ask yourself is this what I really wanted to do? Revise your interests and start from scratch.

In my case, I was working in a huge MNC, I thought that my goal was to just learn more technology, earn a better salary and get settled. I have also tried so many times in reaching this goal. But every time, I started with this intent, I would feel too tired to reach that goal. I have never had a positive feeling about my goal. I felt like I was just there for the money. I did not feel connected with the goal I chose to pursue.

So, I revisited my goals, my thoughts and decided that my heart lies in helping people - mostly with their life and real problems. Now, I have turned into a coach and a blogger just because I set a wrong goal and in that process, I found where I belong to.

So, the point is JUST SET A GOAL, you will figure it out on the way.

9. Be the best you can be

When you are out there, focusing on your goal you naturally be the best you can at the moment.

Your goal is not just about getting what you desire but also becoming the person you want to.

The journey is very important than the destination itself. You will be continuously giving the best you can when you are committed to the process.

When you are thriving, you will come across thousands of everyday experiences that sculpt and shape you and your attitude.

After all, any goal you set should only bring out the best in you.

10. Live life to the fullest

Imagine, you are in this beautiful place of palaces and beaches, the lighthouse from where you can see the best sunset, the garden of all color flowers, forests with wood houses, it is really a heaven in the earth. Now, you are given only one hour to look all these places. What would be the best way to experience it? Will it be good if you know where you should be going to visit whichever place or do you just suggest that you will hop around and figure it out all in one hour without knowing anything?

We are all mortal beings with a finite number of years given to experience what we ought to experience. When we have goals and when we know the path, we might experience life in much more depth. 


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