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5 Ways to unleash your highest potential

Have you ever heard of someone who had reached heights by being mediocre? I guess, no. Everyone who has accomplished something in the world has given their fullest potential to the goal. Be  it Einstein, Da Vinci or Mozart, all of them achieved success in their respective fields only because they performed with their highest potential. Therefore, in order to achieve greatness in whatever work you do, you need to give your highest potential. Below are the 5 ways in which you can unveil your best potential:

1. Identify your potential

It is imperative to know your potential before jumping in and trying to unleash your potential in random acts. Often you will exhibit your potential in things that you love. So, sit and brainstorm the things that you really enjoy and love doing. If you love and enjoy writing novels then it will make no sense in trying to achieve your fullest potential in medicine. Therefore, it is important to identify where your core potential lies and start working towards unleashing your highest potential.

2. Obsession

I would tell that you can never unleash your fullest potential until and unless you are obsessed with what you are doing. Einstein was obsessed with his physics, Nelson Mandela was obsessed with freedom, Oprah Winfrey was obsessed with being a TV show anchor. The obsession will bring you greater results. So be obsessed with reaching your highest potential!

3. It is not always easy

The road to greatness is not smooth and easy, you will have to face a lot of challenges on the way. Also, note that even if you do what you love there will be times when you wanted to quit. There will be times that will test your patience. But, commitment to your work is the key. No matter what happens and how people judge you stick with what you are doing. Give your ultimate commitment to your goal. As said in the above point, obsession will bring you greatness. If you are obsessed with becoming the best version of yourself then commitment is just a cakewalk!

Being a mindset coach, I always keep repeating on developing the right mindset to achieve your greatness. A growth mindset relies on the fact that "there is no failure only feedback". We know that the path to supreme success will be quite hard with failures and setbacks. In order to tackle all these failures, you NEED A GROWTH MINDSET!

Having a growth mindset will not only help you in handling failures but also help you in being committed. You will not give up because of failures. There is no one and no circumstance to stop you from being that best version of yourself if you develop a growth mindset. All the powerful leaders in the world have a growth mindset. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop the right mindset before even trying to unleash your highest potential.

5. Listen to your intuition

All of us, have an inner compass within us that shows us the right direction and warns us if we are heading in the wrong direction. Whenever you feel that you are low on your potential, then pause and listen to your intuition. It will always direct you in the right way!


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