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Why do you always feel life is unfair?

"Life is unfair to me" is the most used sentence whenever we face setbacks in our life. We feel that life is unfair because life pulls us down and drains us in the dungeon. It also lifts up leaving us floating on cloud nine.

Life is unpredictable. We say "life is unfair" because we try to interpret the predictability of life. We plan things and want life to follow the path we have paved. But unfortunately, life does not work that way. It has its own way and it will drag you in its path no matter how planned you are.

Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness, success and failure, ups, and downs. Life is about balancing these two poles. Once you learn how to handle these extremely different situations in life then you will seldom feel "life is unfair".

1. Live in the "Now"

Live in the now does not mean that you should meditate. Meditation is not the only "living in the now". You should focus on the present. Sometimes, we feel life is not going in the course we want it to. Therefore, we start imagining all the negative "what if's" and feel overwhelmed about that.

Remember, that your future exists only in your mind. You only have control over your present situation. No matter whatever you think of the future, it only lives in your imagination. So, it is better to be in control of the situation you are living in the present.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the future. Just focus on what's on your hand. No matter what, you will always be able to control the present.

Most of the unfair situations are created inside our heads. If you clear your head then automatically your life will fall into its place. You will not feel overwhelmed over your life.

2. Gratitude

The power of gratitude cannot be articulated with just words, it should be experienced and lived. I always promote gratitude because the power that lies within it is tremendous.

Gratitude is the act of being content and thankful for all the things that is in your life. Life is unfair to you because you fail to appreciate the tiny little happiness that life gives you every day. You want more and more. In the process of wanting more, you forget to be grateful for what you already have.

Before demanding more from life, learn to appreciate the things that it has already provided to you in abundance. You will never feel life is unfair if you practice gratitude daily.

3. Acceptance

Acceptance is also one of the major attributes you need to be calm in the chaos. Life is never unfair, life is just unpredictable. Anything can happen anytime and we have no or less control over situations. For example, no one expected this coronavirus outbreak. We all had so many plans about the year 2020, but all went vain. What can we do about this situation? Do any of us possess a weird power that will help in eradicating the virus? Or do we even have the medicine to cure it in a day? I guess the answer is no.

Therefore, it is not okay to say "Life is unfair", it is just that "Life is unpredictable".

It is wise to accept the situation and have control over the things that we have control over. You cannot control someone from going out but you can control yourself from going out. You can take care of your family. You can try and be more immune and healthy. To be all this, you need acceptance over the situation. Acceptance is the first step toward peace.

And remember, Life is beautiful. Search for beauty, then life will throw parties. Search for miseries, life will give you the best possible heartbreak. Life gives out only what you ask for. So, ask wise and be grateful!


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