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How to restart your life after being stuck?

Life is unpredictable with full of ups and downs. Everyone on this planet faces certain limitations, failures, and disappointments. But only some has the courage the get back and restart their life all over again.

Maybe you just ended an abusive relationship or maybe you quit your toxic job and wanted to have a fresh start and build your life from scratch. You have gathered up all your courage to start a new journey in a new path.

Being able to decide to start your life from scratch is itself a courageous act. Most of the people are completely locked in a loop of monotonous activities they dislike but continue to do because of the fear of starting all over again.

See, it is completely ok to start everything right from scratch. I quit the well-paying job that I found toxic to my mental health and started a life and mindset coaching career and also became a freelance content writer. To be frank, I am earning more than I expected and the best part is I am thoroughly enjoying the work I do. Sometimes, you have to take that courageous leap to be the person who you are meant to be. I have listed down a few of the ways that helped me restart my life that might also be a help to you

1. Restarting is not coping up with failure

Restarting is misconceived a lot of times. People think that failure is restarting. While I agree that failure might be the trigger for you to restart your life but it is not the starting point. To restart your life first you have to overcome your failure.

Do not try to push the restart button before repairing your failure. Because it is more likely that you will get stuck all over again. And, this will only create a loop of restarting and getting stuck.

Take all the help you need to come out of your failure. Make peace with yourself. Accept that everything you are facing is taking you to the point of a greater life. Develop the ability to be grateful for 'now'. Only and only after you have created a positive environment out of your failure, you should try and restart your life again.

2. Start with decluttering

Decluttering is a great way to start from scratch. Declutter your room, throw out things that remind you of the past. Your environment has a huge impact on your thoughts. Therefore, it is essential that you keep your environment tidy and free from things that distract you from starting over.

Do not forget to declutter your mobile phone and computer. Delete all the pictures that you no longer want to be a part of you. Also, do a social media decluttering by unfollowing toxic people you followed earlier.

If you want to change the setting of your room, then do it. Bring the first change in your environment, your life will follow.

3. Set the right mindset

Mindset is the most important thing that you need to take care of when you are ought to restart your life. It is good if you understand the importance of a growth mindset and implement it in your life.

Always, try to be optimistic and solution-oriented. Read good books and invest in developing yourself. Start putting yourself as the priority and develop self-love. If you are really committed to change and restart your life then get a mentor. It is always easy to have someone guide you all the way.

4. Set new goals and values

A new life requires new values and goals. Observe your limiting beliefs and eliminate them. Install new values that will uplift your whole life. Get committed to setting goals and smashing them out.

Make sure that you have a specific goal for each area of your life. You should have a physical goal, a mental goal, a spiritual goal, and a career goal. Keep yourself occupied with your goals because an ideal mind is a devil's workshop!

5. Learn from what you lost

Identify the lessons you learned in your prior life before restarting. I am sure that there will be ample lessons to be learned from failure and loss. Take note of all the obstacles you faced earlier and make sure you build an escape plan for it.

Also, failure is a good teacher and it makes us more accepting and calm. So, when you restart your life have a more optimistic view even if you are knocked down again!


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