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How to learn to unlearn?

Most of our belief system and the habits we practice are built earlier In our lives. Some of our beliefs that have been installed in us are mostly due to the social and economic factors in which we were brought up.

Some things that we know and learn and believe to be true might be misconceived ed or misperceived. The actual truth might differ totally from what you are taught to be as true.

For example, the most common myth or belief that has been installed in us in the most earlier stages of our life is that "Money is the root of all evil". When we grow up believing that money is the reason for all evil, then we are most likely to be tangled in unfavorable financial situations. As a result, you will end up suffering in a loop of financial loss because of this unsupportive belief.

What is unlearning?

Unlearning is the process of realizing that something we learned earlier is wrong and not of use.

Unlearning is learning to let go of the beliefs and conceptions that are not working for you. Instead of clinging on to the beliefs that you once held, it is better to unlearn and relearn some new beliefs that will serve you right.

Unlearning is something like clearing the unwanted stored data from your device.

How to unlearn?

To unlearn, you first, require an open mind. Having an open mind will enable you to understand that all that you believe to be true is not true. Some people will be adamant about what they are believing. They will hold on to the belief or behavior that they are practicing even after knowing that it is not doing the right. 

Do not be resistant to change. One survey which was conducted to evaluate the teaching process among the teachers concluded that most of the teachers still use the old ways of teaching to teach their students. When enquired about this, the teachers said that they were comfortable with this style of teaching and they know what they are doing. These teachers were not okay to incorporate the modern method of studying to their students.

Imagine, how good it would be for both the students and the teachers, if they were excited about change and were ready to unlearn their new methods!

1. Question your beliefs

If you have an open mind to accept others then you will also have the ability to question your beliefs. Genuinely ask yourself if some or the other kind of belief that you are holding has any benefits towards your wellbeing. Or, ask yourself is it actually true? Or you are claiming it to be true based on your sole beliefs?

Questioning opens new possibilities. It helps you to evaluate yourself and improve your level of living. When you question your beliefs it means you are opening possibilities to new beliefs. You are ready to unlearn and re-learn new things.

2. Develop a perspective

Perspective puts you in the shoes of others and makes you see their world and live their life. It gives you a sense of realization.

To put it perfectly, this world has seen so many wars only because of a clash of beliefs. So many religions, political parties, and people fight against their fellow human beings just because the opposite person holds a different belief.

When you develop a perspective, this will help you unlearn so many unwanted beliefs that you are holding on to.

3. Analyze and accept

As I said earlier, questioning will open many new possibilities for us. So, question the beliefs that are not supporting your purpose.

Analyze your life and eliminate the things that are not serving you.

The main thing that is needed to unlearn is acceptance. Acceptance will not make you weak. Many think that if they accept their mistake then they will seem weak to the world. But the truth is acceptance makes you strong and capable. It increases your ability to unlearn old things and re-learn things that re supportive to you.


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