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6 Ways to overcome obstacles

Obstacles are a sign of progress. Yes, it may sound counterintuitive. But the reality is that obstacles show that you are trying out something. A person who has nothing to do will have no obstacles at all. The first step to excellence is to start doing the work. Therefore, you are already on the path of excellence. And obstacles are the sign that you are progressing.

However, many of us do not look at the bigger picture of the obstacle. So we get stuck when we are faced with a challenging situation. Some of us work in eliminating the obstacle to move forward and some of us fail to take up the challenge and give up.

Below are some of the ways you can use to overcome obstacles

1. Attitude

Attitude makes all the difference. There are multiple perspectives to a situation. When faced with an obstacle you can either choose to work hard and eliminate the obstacle or give up. Working hard even at times of hardship requires a strong mental attitude and an optimistic perspective. When you develop the right attitude you can overcome any challenging situation. I agree that it won't be easy but it will be worth it!

2. Differentiate your obstacles

Obstacles are of different types. There will be challenging situations pertaining to financial conditions, lack of resources needed or any other obstacle that will need external support to overcome it. And, there will be situations where you will be faced with scenarios were you would have lost the motivation, developed a limitation or you just don’t feel like doing it.

You have to differentiate the obstacles and approach the right way to solve it. In case of external support, you will need to seek help whereas in case of an internal glitch you will need to work on yourself more. Recognizing what type of obstacle you have will give you clarity in the direction you need to seek for help.

3. It's not about the challenge

The best teachers in the world are failures and challenges. It is always not about the challenge, but about the path you are taking and the lessons you are learning along the way. Challenges will give you the opportunity to look beyond and expand your comfort zone.

We are all sentient beings who seek comfort. Obstacles are the ones that pull us out from the comfort zone and make us work beyond the limit we thought we had. Challenges might open new channels of possibility and also present you with a wide range of opportunities to grow. That is why it is not about the challenge, it is about growing!

4. Believe

Beliefs are the ones that set your attitude to grow amidst challenging situations. Beliefs are way powerful that you think they are. Even if you are faced with the most challenging situation, if you believe that you can overcome it then nothing could stop you from overcoming it. The power of beliefs is a whole new and lengthy topic to be discussed!

5. Rest

Give yourself some time to process the obstacle. It is hard to start again right after a failure. Therefore take your time and befriend the obstacle, accept and analyze it before starting over. Always, learn to rest when you are faced with an obstacle but not to quit!

6. Build an escape plan

When you are done processing, analyzingand developing the right attitude around the challenge you are faced with, now it is time to build a plan to escape from the obstacle. Take all the help you need, talk to anyone you want to, and build the right plan. Your learning efficiency will increase after facing failure or an obstacle. Therefore you are to make informed decisions and design a better plan to overcome the obstacle that is stopping you from reaching your goal.

All the best!


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