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What to do when you don't get what you want?

  Nobody gets everything they want. Even the richest person on the planet has something that he wants but doesn't have. Needs and wants might not always be things and money. It may be a person, health or time. There are endless wants that humans crave for. We badly want a thing, we sacrifice everything to get that but once we have it in our hands, the value of that thing decreases and our mind starts thinking about the next thing to buy. It is a cycle - an endless cycle of wants and needs. Nothing can satisfy a human who is bound to the wants and needs of the world/society.
  Most of us get upset over not having what we want. People get upset over not having the latest model of the iPhone, not having the Mercedes, not able to buy that expensive jewelry or not having sufficient money for that PS4. I have seen people going into depression and behaving in an aggressive manner for not having the things they want. And moreover, they want it as soon as they think that they want it. Even I was the same before years. I was pampered a lot by my family, I get what I want and when I want it. This behavior rooted so much into me and made me aggressive at the time when I did not get what I want. But, soon I realized that I don't always get what I want and I have to learn to live with what I have gratefully. I lost people whom I wanted to stay forever in my life, I lost so much of the time and money to unfaithful people and business.
  Loses are our greatest teacher. Accepting the fact that you are not always going to get what you want is the first step of mental freedom. Starting from the valueless materialistic things to the valued time everything won't happen as we wish.
  If you face a great disappointment of not getting what you want, be honest with yourself on how you feel. Please don't direct your disappointment to your parents or closed ones. Just cry it out, scream, do whatever will satisfy your madness. And then let it go.
  Whenever you feel disappointed, just sit down, take a paper and list down all the things/people/whatever you already have. For example, You have lost your partner whom you loved so much. He/she left you for lame reasons and you are really devastated and disappointed about it. I know that breakups are really hard. At this time of disappointment, all you have to do is think of your family and friends whom you know will never leave you for anything. You know that they will stand by you at all times and love you no matter how much mad you are at them. Intimacy is secondary when Understanding is primary. You know that your partner did not understand you and you also know that you have your family and friends who understand you so much. You have more than you have lost. How would you feel now? Grateful for having them in your life. So, write it down, write how thankful you are for having such relations in your life and heart.  Or just go and tell them a 'Thank You'. You don't know how good you are going to feel afterward.
  Just move on with your life. A person who earns 1 lakh/month wants to earn 3lakh/month. A person who is having one car needs another. Why is it so? Because that is how we are programmed to think. We think about the Next and the  Next and the Next and forget to live with the present. I am not talking about spirituality or meditation here. You don't need to be yogi to experience the present. I am just saying just be grateful and move on with your life. It is natural that you will be attracted to somethings and you will want them. It is totally fine. What is not ok is mourning over not getting what you want. Learn to enjoy life the way it is. All the happiest people on the earth have never said "I am happy because I am a billionaire" or "I am happy because I have the latest phone". People who are genuinely happy are the ones who learned how to be content with their life. When your expectations on life thin down, your happiness broadens. Your life brightens.
  Life is thrilling. Life is satisfying. Life is unexpected. Life is disappointing. Life is full of colors. Life id dull. Life can be all these. Just don't let disappointment dull your sparkle. Keep enjoying life the way it is!


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