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7 signs that your partner is cheating on you!

It is really stressing, if you are always on confusion if your partner is cheating or not. When your relationship is becoming a mess or if you are the only one who is trying to keep the threads in place, you would be really frustrated to continue in an unhealthy relationship. There are many ways where you can say if your partner is cheating on you or not, I have formulated the common signs of a partner who is cheating on you below.

1. The usage of phone/computer shots up

     A person who is cheating will be always glued to his/her phone. They will carry their phone wherever they go and always give you zero chances to even glance at it. If your partner's phone did not require a password before but now if it is locked with a password, it is a good sign that your partner is cheating on you. Also, if your partner carries his/her phone away from you to attend a call then it would require a serious eye.

2. No emotional bondage

    It is true that all the relationships become blunt after a certain period of time. But, the emotional attachment will always be there. If you and your partner are lacking intimacy and are low in sex life, it may be an indication of your partner cheating.
   He/she might not want to share any of their personal issues or office fun with you. You might feel that you will never be able to go back to the happy old couple that you were once.

3. Avoiding contact

    A person who cheats will want to avoid contact with you. They do not want you to find even the hints that they are cheating, so they might even avoid your eye contact. The other reason to avoid contact may be the guilty feeling they have because of cheating.
    They might not want to talk or share anything with you. You people might not enjoy the night walks that you had while chattering about good old times.
     He/she might work overtime, or extend their gym hours just to avoid you. They may come home only after you went to bed and wake up before you are awake. These are some serious signs that your relationship needs attention now!

4. Point fingers at you

     A cheater always blames you to cover their mistake. They may say that you are not looking as good as you were before or you are not as funny and adventurous you used to be. They will blame you for everything that is not good in your relationship.
    They will always be the one to start a fight and will always find you annoying and disturbing.

5. Changes in the routine

     A new business trip, overtime at work or meeting the clients for dinner often might be the signs that they are lying to you about where they are going and with whom. There would be changes in the routine they follow. The person who once used to curl up in the bed the whole day on weekends now suddenly has important meetings that last for two days. They might want to spend less time in their home and more time with their new partner.

6. Unknown expenses

    The person once who wrote down the budget with you is now hiding even the least of expenses to you. He/she has so many sudden expenses that they are not even able to provide proper care to their home. Unknown bills are always torn before you find out. The money they have is not shared with you.
    The person once who put your needs first, now doesn't even know that you are starving some days.

7. His/her friends are acting weird

    Have his or her friends have begun to act oddly around you? When you casually talk to his friends, do they seem anxious, nervous, or eager to leave? They probably know something you don't know.

Please note that your partner may have all the signs listed and still not cheat on you. If you genuinely feel that your partner is cheating on you rather than mind reading you must directly force them to answer your questions. Relationships are not to joke around. It is normal that people get attracted to multiple partners but what is not ok is cheating on someone when they have had all their heart and soul on you. If you still feel that your partner is cheating on you, it is better that you consult a good relationship therapist. Consulting a therapist will save your relationship or at least save you from the toxic relationship.


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